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Edmund quickly jolted ahead, pushing his body in long fast strides. Everlina tried to keep up. "Ed-" she got ignored. "Ed?" Nope, still Edmund didn't answer, just kept walking. Everlinas hand jumped forward and clasped his shoulder, catching his immediate attention. He looked angry. She understood this was a big thing, like it could hold the secrets to how Delmar got his power. But then again, Delmar isn't going to go on a rampage if you don't walk so quickly you break your legs. Everlina looked into his eyes. "SLOW DOWN!" She breathed.

In which he rolled his eyes, and snatched her wrist, dragging her along without hesitation. Instead she just dragged her feet, basically getting pulled along with no effort. Suddenly, Edmund came to a stop. A lady. Oh, lady Clair. Everlina thought all the Telmars have gone? "On hell Edmund. Fancy seeing you in these parts." She smiled flustered.

Everlina couldn't bite her tongue back. But instead leant over Edmunds lean shoulder and looked at her dead in the eyes. She scowled at Everlina, her town eyes quitting into her green ones. "Funny enough it is his part of the castle. So I wonder why he was here?"

Lady Clair just shrugged her shoulders, trying to hide the fact she has obviously been looking for Edmund. "Lady Clair if you really don't mind we have to be go-"

She held her long fingers in Edmunds face. Making he stop momentarily. She was beautiful. A rare natural beauty Clair held. Any man would sacrifice anything for her. "Both of you? I mean, you've heard the rumours?"

Edmund arched an eyebrow. Watching as Clair's orbs trailed to Edmunds and Everlina hands latched together from Edmund pulling her along. Edmund shook his hand off.

Clair smirked, like she has achieved something in life. Except combing her hair of course. "Are you to together? Will there be a ball!"

"No where no-" Edmund started, before yet again being interrupted. Everlina couldn't stand her. She had met Clair before briefly s but even got s short convocation, she couldn't stand her high pitches voice that's drawled everyone into loving her.

"Yes we are together-" Everlina loudly snorted. Cocking her head side ways, watching Lady Clair's forced smile drop to the ground. "Got a problem with that Clair? Like Edmund said we have to go."

With that Everlina pulled Edmunds hand along, rushing him to get away from Clair, who thought she had him latched into her fake personality. Edmund didn't know what to think. This word of a lie would fill the castle rooms and halls, gossips would erupt quicker than Peter can send a disapproving look. But for some reason. Edmund didn't care. Instead he stepped in time with Everlina, rounding corners and tapping up the stairs to Peters room.


Edmund walked in with Everlina closely following behind. The room enlightened Everlina. A red rug sat on the floor, itching her bare toes. She didn't know why she had no shoes. Maybe it was just one of those days.

Edmund hugged and ran to Peter. "Did you find it Ed?" Peter impatiently begged.

"Yes Pete. It's here. And I-we suspected, there's a missing page." Edmund opened the old book he held under his arm. He tapped the torn paper, and saw Peters mouth twitch. Everlina peered over his shoulder. But was for some reason found her self thinking if Delmar. He was a monster. But she would of loved to meet him before he went...koo-koo. Joking. She hated every once, every cell, every bone that curved his pathetic body. Every gene that filled his personality, every hunger and greed him that drew him to wanting more. More magic. More power. A tear threatened to slip, but she knew know one would notice. Peter and Edmund where too busy expressing theories. Peter knew he should get his guards to look out for Delmar. But now it would be proven no use. Delmar could be in this very castle, right in this room. If he held a enough power in his veins, he could building an empire right before our eyes.

Peter looked to the floor, dropping his head in his hands. "Edmund, who else could it be?" This snapped Everlinas curiosity towards them.

Edmunds shifted uncomfortably, a dread of cold running through him. "Peter dont-" Edmund sounded weak, wounded, like whoever this was, hurt him, depressed him. Scared him. He was torn though, ever so strong. Mentally, physically and in people's thoughts.

Peter slammed his palm on his desk, completely forgetting about Everlinas quiet presence. "NO ED! Who else could it be!" He demanded.

Edmund nodded, then looked over to Everlina. Who's eyes were welling up. Everything got to her. She was trying to be strong like Edmund. But she can't do it, she doesn't hold the credibility to. Something was changing. Her and Edmund are starting to be different. It started as a stupid argument. They still argue she knows that. But he's more understanding. But no less mysterious or annoying.

Peter seemed to be completely oblivious to what happened. Edmund rushed over to Everlina, and gripped her in his arms. He wasn't sure if it was for her, or if it was for him. They where both alone, maybe that's one thing they actually have in common. Except stubbornness and anger. Maybe there both alone. He cradled her, as she sobbed. Edmund couldn't care to think what it was like. Loosing everyone she knew, not having any answers to why she's here. She almost got raped, she's a natural at things she hasn't even tried. She's alone, and scared. But Edmund did know, he knew what it was like to be confused, alone. It was her, all this time. It's always going to be her. The white witch.

Who actually likes this chapter??i like how Everlinas got more confident and isn't trying to act like a lady no more.

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