Love Making

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Fatal Atteraction Part 9

" Ill be loving you forever,

Deep inside my heart you'll leave me never,

Even if you took my heart,

And tore it apart,

I would love you still, forever"

Airra pov

I cant believe this bitch just attacked me first kelly now this hoe like seriously im sick of this shit

End of pov

Prince* walks in you ok baby

Airra: yea im fine

Prince* walks up to her and looks at her face he did this to you

Airra* looks down yea

Prince* lifts her chin up and kisses her

Airra* kisses back

Prince: I love you so much your not scared to stand up to me you not scared to disagree with me you dont things just cause I say so and I love that about you your beautiful smart

Airra* smiles

Prince* kisses her with passion and love

* he picks her up and lays her in the

Airra* wraps her legs around him

Prince* pulls her shirt off and kisses her neck then breast

Airra* bites her lip

Prince* pulls her pants off n kisses her clit

Airra* moans softly

Prince* licks around it sticking his tongue inside her flicking his tongue in and out

Airra* grabs his hair n moans louder

Prince* grabs her hand and sucks on her g-spot

Airra: mmmm

Prince* spells Jacob Perez Owns wit his tongue

Airra* cums

Prince* drinks her juices and comes up and kisses her deeply

Airra* kisses back

Prince* pulls his pants off and slides inside thrusting in and out

Airra: Awww prince

Prince* grinds inside her grabbin her waist and kissing her neck

Airra* moans louder and grabs her back

Prince: I love you

Airra* moans I love you to

Prince* goes deeper

Airra: Awwww baby

Prince* groans aw baby n goes deeper

Airra* bites down on her lip

Prince* kisses her

Airra* kisses back

Prince* goes deeper and cums

Airra* cums

Prince* kisses her and stares in her eyes

Airra* stares back

Prince* hugs her tight and lays his head her chest I love you

Airra* holds him I love you to

Part 10 next



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