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Fatal Attraction part 13

Ill be loving you forever,

Deep inside my heart you leave me never,

Even if you took my heart,

And tore it apart,

I would love you still, forever,

Nia Pov

ugh i cant beileve she moved out the way yes im the one who tried to hit her ass but she jumped out the way then prince grabbed her ass out the way I bein watching they asses lately he all happy and smiling he buying her teddy bears and fucking her calling her his princess ugh I want her dead D-E-A-D

end of pov

Nia* checks into the hotel room and sets up everything so she can hear whats going on 

Prince* ordering him and Airra some food

Airra; thank you baby

Prince* smiles anything for my love

Airra* climbs in his lap

Prince* kisses her 

Airra: so I as thinkin we go to that new carnival

Prince: you sure last time we went you wouldn't get on no scary rides

Airra: neither would you 

Prince: now why would i want another girl hanging on to my arm huh

Airra* laughs true then i would have to beat a bitch ass

Nia pov

she all over my man I swear Ima kill her he never took me to the carnival or order for me 

end of pov

Prince* kisses her neck

Airra: damn papi 

Prince* chuckles you like that mommy

Airra; yes baby

Prince* pulls away and smirks mmmhmmm good

Airra: you such a fucking teaser i swear

Prince* laughs and playfully body slams her on the bed 

Airra* jumps on his back

* nia watches them play fight, laugh, eat and shower together she had angry in her eyes hatered written all over face she hated the fact Prince was happy with soemone else it killed her inside she thought about all the good times she had with him and thought about the mistakes she made tears came down her face as she watched them sleep Airra in prince arms and prince watching ESPN holding her. * nia gets up and tears up her room throwing chairs, pillows, covers, curtains, and etc everywhere. She grabs her lipstick and writes on the mirror Theres a thin line between love and hate and walks out

Nia Pov





Airra pov

Part 14 next

~ airra and prince

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