Chapter one

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~Olivia's POV~


I looked down at my phone. 'You have one new message'. I opened my messages. "Turn your damn music down! I'm trying to sleep!" "Dammit Mother let me live my life!" "I will come down there!" "Okay, I'm turning it down don't hurt me 0.0" I reached over my desk to my speakers and turned down the music.

I continued scrolling through Tumblr for another hour before going to bed.


I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off. "Ugh." I moaned getting out of bed. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower.


I arrived at school on time. I went to my locker to wait for Jaime. "Olive! Olive!" Jaime my best friend called out. "Hey Jaime!" I hugged her.

"Ready for the party tonight?" "Hell yeah!"


"Damn bell! Well see you." "Bye Jaime."

I started walking to first period.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"Meet me at my car ~Jammie" I walked towards the high school parking lot.

I spotted Jamie's car and ran to Jaime, who was standing next to the back end waiting for me.

"Hey, you ready to go?" I hopped in to her car. "Yeah, lets go."

It took about 5 min to get to Jaime's house from school, so the ride there was pretty quiet.

We reached her drive way and I got out of the car. Jaime and I walked to her door. She reached into her pocket to retrieve her key and unlocked the door.

We both went straight to her room to drop off our school stuff.

We walked to the kitchen to get the snacks and drinks. 

We started setting up the snack table when I broke the silence.

"So... This party... Is Tommy going to be here?" I asked shyly. "Damn Olivia, just ask him out already." Jaime said nudging my arm.

"What if he doesn't like me back?" I've liked this Timmy since 8th grade. He's glanced at me in the halls and smiled but that's all.

"Olive, sweetie. I'm  pretty sure he likes you, I mean who wouldn't? You're pretty, smart, and you have a great personality." I smiled.

"Lets just get this finished so we can party!" I giggled.


~Ding Dong~ 

I ran to answer the door. There was about 50 people standing at the door. I stepped aside so they could come in. As the crowd was pouring in I was looking for Tommy. So sign of him anywhere.

I sighed and walked to the snack table. I grabbed a beer. So what if I'm 16. I need to live a little. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around.

Tommy was standing before me. "Hey T-Tommy..." Whats with the nervousness all of the sudden.

"Hey, wanna go somewhere a little more-" He bent down to my ear. "-Privet?" I nodded with a huge smile on my face.

He grabbed my hand gently and lead me to a vacant room upstairs.

He opened the door and lead me in.

I closed the door and went towards the bed and sat down. Tommy and I sat there for awhile staring into each others eyes. I got tired of the wait so I grabbed his face and crashed my lips onto his soft ones.

Our lips moved in sync. He was getting hungry. He got a bit rougher and pushed me down on the bed. 

"Olivia stop!" Jaime burst through the door. "But you said-" "Tommy get out now!" 

Tommy whispered in my ear. "We can finish this later."

Tommy got off the bed and walked out of the room.

"Tommy is bad. You need to stay away from him."

"Okay." I think we all now that, that's not going to happen.


"Thanks for the ride Jaime." "No problem. See you Monday." I got out of the car and watched her drive off. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Tommy. "Hey, I'm home you can come get me now." He replied a minute later. "On my way." I smiled and put my phone back into my pocket.

I walked over to my porch and sat down waiting for Tommy.

10 minutes latter his car pulled up. I ran to the passengers door. I jumped in and kissed his lips.

"Ready?" he asked. "Ready." I said smiling.

I buckled up and we headed off to a hotel.

Once we got to the hotel we booked a room and ran to our assigned room. 

Once inside we locked the door and started stripping.

I was in my bra and underwear and him in his boxers. He walked towards me. "You're so beautiful." he said looking at my exposed body. 

He started kissing down my neck finding my sweet spot and sucking on the small patch of skin.

He pushed me on the bed. He pushed his body against mine, eliminating the space that was once there. 

I started having second thoughts about this. I am only 16 I want to wait. 

"Tommy, I cant-" "Shhhhh. Just go with it baby." He started pulling down his boxers. 

"Tommy-" He slammed his lips on mine. He started pulling down my panties.

I broke away. "Tommy!" 

"What did I say?!" he said slapping my cheek leaving behind a stinging pain.

He forced himself in me. I tried my hardest to push him off of me. I didn't want this! "Somebody he-" Tommy slapped his hand over my mouth.

He trusted hard into me. 

I squirmed around trying to find something to help me get him off of me.

I bit his hand and screamed at the top of my lungs hoping for someone to help me.


I saw a figure run at Tommy. He pulled him off of me and threw him on the ground. 

He raised his axes in the air and swung down. He repeated this 15 times.

He started to walk towards me. I ran around him and unlocked the door and ran for my life. I ran our of the hotel to the one place I knew I was safe.



Hey guys. Remake of Chapter one. Is very long..... oh my fingers.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and expect more later today :) I have the next 3 chapters already now all I need to do is upload them. Then to continue on chapters for the future. Well anyways I will see you in the next Chapter goooooooood byyeeeeeeeeeee.

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