Chapter 25: Heba has the baby

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Heba leaned back into the couch that he and Yugi were sitting on.

"Problems?" Yugi asked.

"My back is killing me." Heba replied.

"Well, you don't have to worry about it. You shouldn't have too much longer before you have that little girl." Yugi said.

"I know, but I really wish that it would happen soon. I know that my doctor said that he's only going to let me go another week before he induces labor." Heba said.

"Well, with any luck, you'll go into labor before that." Yugi said.

"I hope so." Heba said as shifted, trying to get comfortable.

"Has Atemu lightened up some as far as worrying goes?" Yugi asked.

"Yeah. You and Yami being here for the last week has helped a lot, though he does still worry." Heba said.

"Yami and I figured that, which is why Yami got him out of the house for you." Yugi said.

"Thank you. I really need a break from him." Heba said.

"I knew that, and I figured that since Yami wanted to go look at the area where he is thinking of building the new restaurant, he could take Atemu with him." Yugi said.

"Thank you, but what should you and I do in the meantime?" Heba asked.

"Well, we could always put in a movie and watch it." Yugi said.

"I don't have anything better in mind, so go ahead." Heba told him.

Yugi got up and picked out a movie and put it in the DVD player.


"Yami, I have to admit that you pick the perfect places to have your restaurants." Atemu said.

The place that Yami was thinking to build was in downtown Domino.

"Well, you want your restaurants where people are going to be going to a lot." Yami said.

The two were shown the building by the realtor.

"What are you going to do?" Atemu asked.

"I'm going to have to talk to my financial adviser and such, but I think that it would work. I have to go through the proper channels." Yami said.

"I know that." Atemu said.

The two decided to walk around and take a closer look at the building on their own.

"So, are you and Yugi really going to move out here?" Atemu asked.

"Yeah, we are. We both like the idea. It'll take some time, but I think that it would be a great idea." Yami said.

"I know that Heba and I would like it if you two would move here. It would be nice to see you more than a few times a year." Atemu said.

"You've seen me a good bit lately." Yami said.

"The trials don't count." Atemu said.

"Okay. Two times this year." Yami said.

"Well, since you'll be living in the same city, you'd better come and see us more than that." Atemu said.

"I get it, and I will." Yami assured him.

After the movie, Yugi took it out and out the DVD back on the shelf with the others.

"Well, what now?" Yugi asked.

Heba grimaced as there was a powerful kick to his side.

"You okay, Heba?" Yugi asked.

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