Meeting the Angels

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I sighed as I stopped walking, taking in the new high-school that I now called mine. Today I’m a freshman, I guess today I become a somewhat big kid as everyone says. But for me high-school didn’t mean just growing up some, it meant I was allowed to now fight beside other Angels of this school. Curious about what I mean? Well here ill explain it to you, us Angels do exist, we walk on this earth just like any other human. We protect the weaker humans from the Fallen Angels who like to taunt and destroy their life's. 

You see, we have to go into training from the moment we are five, leaving training and using what we learned in real battle is when we reach high school, so basically I already graduated, but from Angel training. We Angels and Fallen Angels go to a normal high school though, a normal school all our life that is. Like elementary and middle school, but we had to train with our mentors after school. It was pretty exhausting, but it doesn’t matter any more, cause I made it, I was pretty happy about making it through all that hard training as well. 

That wasn’t the complete reason either on why I’m happy to have left middle school. In middle school kids are absolutely mean, some just bullied everyone. It wasn’t what you called the “sluts” and “jocks,” as everyone seems to think it is. It was more of just a hand-full of random people, some in groups some not. They were those who just liked to pick on people and make fun of them for no reason. Just for kicks I guess you can say. But I just happened to be their favorite. 

Why? I don’t know, I figured it was because I was smaller in size, kinda chubby, a bit weaker looking than them, I assume that is what had attracted them towards me. But it wasn’t like I could help that I had a kid like complexion, it was just the way I was born. Not much you can do there. 

So now that I’m in high school with other Angels. (who I used to train with when they were younger.) I knew they would help take up for me and soon have people leave me alone. No one knew we were Angels, they just thought we were normal humans like them and everyone else. 

Angels and Fallen Angel attended to stay in their own groups though. Away from each other and other humans. Very seldom would you see a human apart of a group of Angels or Fallen Angels. It was just way to risky. But sometimes you see a human apart of a Fallen Angels group only because Fallen Angels loved to taunt and corrupt humans, as I had said before. So normally if we ever see a human with them, we normally gave the human an guardian angel to protect them from the Fallen Angels for the rest of their life. That normally allows the Fallen Angels to lose interest in the human and ignore them. 

“Hey Snow!” I heard someone behind me yell. I turned around to see Kelly and Keith, along with Lucy and Scar. 

“Hi Kelly! Haven’t seen you since 7th grade.” I giggled at her, she just smirked and walked towards me. 

“Well, were all back together again! You were the last of our group we were waiting for, its about time you grew up.” She chirped as she wrapped her arm around my neck and started rubbing the top of my head with her fist. 

“Hey stop!” I cried out, not being able to hide my smile from being happy from just simply seeing everyone. “I can’t control how fast I grow up anyway,” I giggled. 

“I know, I’m just teasing with you,” She laughed as she let me go, soon being replaced by Scar and Lucy who wrapped their arms around my shoulders in a hug. One on each side of me, squishing my cheeks between the both of theirs. 

“Gwyz” I said, my squished cheeks making me voice sound like a two-year old. They just chuckled and let me go.

“Its great to see you again Snow,” they chirped.

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