Why you?

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    I groaned in agony as I flopped against the lockers to take a quick breath. I could hardy breath, much less move because of my back, I swear that dumb-ass broke it. I promise the next time I see him I’m going to punch him in the fucking face. I groaned again as I pushed myself off the lockers were I could open mine and put my crap in it. I reached up to start dialing the code to my locker when suddenly my hand wasn’t at my locker no more, my body was now falling. Falling, because someone had shoved me down. 

    I couldn’t help but cry out in pain from my back being slung around like this. I was completely prepared to fall face first on the floor, but instead I fell onto something warm, but yet hard. I looked up to see it wasn’t a something I fell on, it was a someone. It was someone who I wasn’t expecting it to be either, but at the same time I could have guessed who. There he was, an annoyed expression on his face as he glared down at me, me in return flashing a crooked smile and a nervous laugh as Drakes cold eyes peered at me. 

    My smile and laugh soon faded as he didn’t return it, my cheeks now red in embarrassment. Why out of all people did it have to be Drake, that I run into? Every-time I turn around its Drake - Drake - Drake - Drake- and more Drake! No matter what, it was always him! I was getting quite sick of it, it was absolutely annoying! 

    “Um, are you going to get off of me, or are you just going to sit there staring at me stupidly?” He quizzed with annoyance laced deep in his voice. I felt my face burn a deeper read as I reverted my gaze from him, 

    “I can’t,” I choked out. 

    “What the hell do you mean you can’t?” He roared out, his body moving with ever word he had spoken which had made mine move and caused to to flench at every word. 

    “My- um- back,” I whispered.

    “What about it?” He groaned out.

    “You kinda - er - it’s just stiff and sore from yesterday,” I fumbled out, still avoiding his gaze. He just gazed at me for a second, I guess realizing it was him who hurt my back. 

    “Well, at least try to get up, would ya?” He grumbled at me, I just nodded my head as I tried to push myself up and off of him. I let out small groans as my back protested for me to stop and lay still forever, after a minute of trying to work with me my back gave out completely and I collapsed down, my face now squashed against Drake’s chest. And I had to say, it wasn’t the baddest thing in the world, it felt nice to lay against - I cut myself off, refusing to finish that sentence. Why would I ever enjoy laying against this fool? I swear I’m losing my mind. 

    “Sorry,” I huffed out at him, he just sighed as we sat there for a moment. People stared at us as they walked mine, but now most were already in class since the tardy bell was about to ring. 

    “As nice as this is to have to laying on me, we are in the middle of a hall that is opened to everyone,” He grumbled, “including your Angel friends.” He finished, causing me to snap my head up, curious now on if any of them had saw me with Drake.  But then my gaze snapped back to Drake as I frowned at him.

    “What the hell do you mean ‘as nice as this is,’” I questioned, he just looked down at me and smirked,

    “Oh, you know what I mean.” He chuckled darkly as he put his arms under mine and started pushing me up and off of him until we were both up and on our feet. I rested my hand on a locker to help balance me, but I was quickly caught off guard with Drake reached up and flicked me in the forehead, pretty hard. I yelped as my hand shot up and caressed my now throbbing head. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2014 ⏰

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