Will Cipher,my---

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The demon stared at me. He emitted a faint blue glow. He was not as alarming as Bill Cipher . Even without eyebrows,he seemed......sad.

"Isa,"he said queitly,"Why have you called me?"

"Will Cipher,"I said,"We need answers........."

"I cannot tell you about everything. You are only a little girl and me ,a powerless demon.....even if I'm free."

He looked at Dipper and Mabel Gleeful.

"How were you able to act like Bill Cipher then? How am I his granddaughter and why did I need these powers?"I asked.

"It was my mission......I cannot tell you everything. It would--"

"It would what?!"

"I cannot stay here.........bye."


He vanished out of thin area.

"Great,"I said frustratedly,"There are more mysteries now."

"Now what are we gonna do?"said Dipper Pines.

"Make some Mabel Juice!!!"said Mabel Pines. Mabel Gleeful looked disgusted.

"I guess we should find another way....
or another clue...."I said.

"You guys should probably get going. The room is full of commoners."said Mabel Gleeful,with a scrunched face.

"Mabel...."said Dipper Gleeful.

I saw  Rev Pacifica rolled her eyes.

"It was nice meeting you."said Dipper Gleeful. He smiled . For the first time. I saw Pacifica blushed. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh(sorry i was in fangirl mode writing this.)

"Bye Gideon!!!"said Mabel Gleeful in a high pitched tone.

Gideon said,"Can we go now?"

"I'll just drop you off in the Mystery Shack....."I said,"Bye,Dipper and Mabel Gleeful."

Mabel Pines waved happily at her counterpart. Mabel Gleeful rolled her eyes.

(I didn't want to use the teleportation because I might get lazy and fat. That's how weird I am.)

We got out of the Gleeful Mansion and drove towards the Mystery Shack.

"Bye Pacifica,Gideon."I said.

"Please visit again!"Pacifica said.

"Yessssss!!!!!!"said Mabel. I smiled . Dipper just waved. He smiled too. When Pacifica and Gideom went in the shack, Stanford came holding a locket .

"Kids, I found something."he said.

"But first,we have to go back to your dimension."I said.


Stanford held out the locket.
I opened it and saw a woman. She was......from my dimension....

"She looked very distinguished and her eyes are really small.....(I am not racist.) Too well defined her features."said Stanford.

"She's from my dimension."I said.

"That's how people look in your dimension????"said Dipper in awe.

"They seem cooler than us! I always had this feeling that we were made of color and pencils. Haha."said Mabel,grinning.

I looked at the weapon in my hand.

"Why would a locket from Isa's dimension be in here? That seems really weird....."said Dipper.

The woman in the locket was not smiling. Her eyes seemed sad and lonely. Her clothes looked really weird. Maybe from the 1800....

"Where did you find it,Great Uncle Ford?"asked Dipper.

"Just near Greasy's Diner from Reverse Falls."he said.

Greasy's Diner??? What if??!----

I looked at the time. I gasped! Two minutes till Dinner time!!!!"


Before they even got to say goodbye,I vanished.

I was back in my room. I unlocked the door and saw my brother in the dining table,eating everything there. I sat on a chair and started eating.

Then,I realized the locket was still in my hand!!! Wait----how could I be so STUPID! I could ask my mom about my grandfather and she might know about the woman in the locket!!! She might know something about Cipher!!!!

After eating dinner,I immediately rushed to my mom and showed her the locket.

"Isa,where did you get this?"she asked.

"Uhmmmmmm I found it in my room. Do you know who the lady is?"I asked.

(My mom was adopted,by the way)

"Isa---- come with me."she said in a stern tone.

We reached the masters bedroom and locked the doors. I sat on th elounge chair. Mom looked intently at the the woman in the locket.


"Have I ever told you why I was adopted?"she said.

I shook my head.

"Listen closely,Isa."she said.

"My adoptive parents told me that when I was six years old, this woman was with me and they said that the woman gave me to them--"

She showed me a black and white picture of the same woman in a dusty book she got from under her bed.

"My adoptive parents said that the woman could not speak . They said that she was my mother. I don't remember anything but I do know that she felt sad  and lonely. Tell no one of this,okay."

"Ok,mom. But do you know where she was located ?"I asked

"I don't remember. Better ask Grampsie and Gramma."said Mom.


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