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The flight took an entire day, the summer heat burning the back of Vihane's neck as they landed on another small Eden toward the North of Iden, where the mountains loomed in the distance, poking out through the clouds.  The only place in all of Iden where Walkers could be anywhere close to the Avionaries.  But no Walkers lived a top of those mountains, instead they were hidden deep with the mountain range, mining for minerals and precious metals.  The metals found in those caverns fueled Iden's industry and trade. 

Feet kicking up dust as they landed, Vihane glared at the back of the one-winged Avionaries head.  The man was mad, absolutely insane.  Throughout the entire flight, he sang old war tunes, ones his father would sing on his good nights-when the intoxication brought sad and distant memories instead of fury fueled by lost passions.  Samia pinched the end of his loose shirt between her fingers, keeping close to him.  Worry and doubt made her tremble.  Vihane allowed himself to frost over, gaze never wandering from his target. 

The Eden itself, marked by a small sign reading 'Mictlan', floated only a few miles above the mountain, mainly uninhabited with exception to a few cottages.  Wind howled across the gravel path.  Altitude made the misty air cold and wet, a dense fog hanging low on the path.   Tendrils of his coat brushing against the fog, Dr. Snow seemed to float along the surface.

They approached a cottage in the center of the Eden.  Lanterns hanging at the door frame lite the entrance, fire flickering at the wind.  Chimes, hanging off the step railings screeched in warning, a beware in the underlying clattering of notes controlled by the nature of the Eden.  Dr. Snow skipped up the three steps, swinging the door open without a knock, the banging alerting whoever was inside.  He turned his head, glancing behind him with an aird chuckle. "Well, come on dearies, the king won't wait forever."

Vihane narrowed his eyes, tensing as he stepped up the stairs and marched passed the threshold.  Samia squeaked as she huddled closer to Vihane, clenching her eyes shut. They entered a living area, sparse.   A few rugs, placed in a strategic circle, covered the floor, mats for sitting.  Light came from the bare lightbulb in the center of the room.  The one window stayed hidden behind a thick curtain.  On either side of the room branched hallways.

Dancing in behind them, Dr. Snow latched the door closed.  The lock snapped in finality.  No turning back. 

Footsteps padded against the wooden floors, sinking into the ground and becoming one with it.  Steps that commanded legions.  Mouth running dry, Samia quaking behind him, Vihane stood stiff.  Around the corner, a man entered the living area. 

He stood relaxed, Nocturne wings tucked in as he ran a hand through his greying brown hair.  Golden eyes, weighed down by years in hiding settled on Vihane and Samia.  Mouth pursed in a thin line, he shifted towards Dr. Snow. 

"What is going on here, Vari?" He raised a brow, voice low and steady.  No anger traced his strong jawline, the frame of his oval face, only meek curiosity.  Dr. Snow tsked, weaving past Vihane and Samia. 

"Pimedus, Pimedus, Pimedus," he sighed with a dramatic bow, extending an arm out to the Nocturne, "You do know how much I love to hear you call me Doctor, won't you please?"

Brow crinkling, Pimedus rubbed the bridge of his nose, pacing away.  "Vari, I haven't time for your games.  You know I don't have much left."

For a moment, Dr. Snow's facade dropped.  His smile fell as his eyes let go of their glimmering spark of humor.  Standing up, he rolled his shoulder as his back straightened.  "I know as much as you do, Pimedus.  Do not think me unaware or mindless to the situation.  I am not here on mere folly."  Pimedus sighed, lips parting to speak, but Dr. Snow suddenly grinned again, corners of his lips upturning as his eyes gleamed with childlike delight.  "Now!  The children!"  Swiveling around, he danced beside Vihane, clasping his hands on the young Blackhawk's shoulder. "A High Priest to be, Vihane Whitewing, or as you'd better recognize, Vihane Blackhawk," Dr. Snow introduced.

Vihane met Pimedus' gaze without falter.  This was the man Samia had told him about.  The one that wanted Avery dead.  The one that could redeem him. 

"Why would you bring any of that beasts offspring here?" Pimedus spat.  Dr. Snow wiggled his brow.

"Illegitimate son," Dr. Snow said out in a sing song.  Pimedus' eyes widened at the statement, prodding Dr. Snow to continue. "Julm had a nightly lover." 

"You mean, this boy, is a halfling?" Pimedus inquired, not believing the words even as they left his mouth.  "And furthermore, Julm's?" Stressing Lord Blackhawk's name, Pimedus inspected Vihane again.  He shook his head. "Of course, that man...I should have known.  He was never one for boundaries."

"Hehehe, you're less surprised than I thought.  After all these years, has the anger finally faded?" Dr. Snow allowed his arm to slip around Vihane in a half hug.  Samia nudged away, still holding onto Vihane's shirt hem, but her sandals caught on the lip of a floorboard.   With a yelp, she let go, toppling out of her hiding spot.  All eyes moved to her, sprawled on the floor.  Shakily, she pushed herself up.

"Samia?" Pimedus tilted his head, "Is that you?"

The girl froze, biting her bottom lip in contemplation.  Eyes downcast, she nodded her head.  Pimedus smiled lightly, crossing the room.  He knelt beside Samia, hand extended to her.

"My, how you have grown.  I'd like to thank you for your commitment to the cause.  I know your mission was hard.  You may rest now. Gale is safe, I shall send for him if you would like.  How about we get you off of the floor and out of those servants clothes?" Pimedus peaked under the long tendrils of hair hiding Samia's face.  Vihane was shocked at the gentleness of the Nocturne's words, so far he had been gruff and to the point, but he looked at Samia with a softness that Vihane had never experienced. 

Taking Pimedus' hand, Samia allowed herself to be pulled to her feet.  "May the Solstice Sun and Equinox Moon bless you," she mumbled, shuffling back to Vihane's side, careful to not get too close to Dr. Snow.  Her next words were too quiet to make out. 

Pimedus stepped towards her. "Samia?"

She shuffled back, gulping.  "I would prefer to meet Gale in the Capitol."

Her words were like rocks in Pimedus' stomach, his smile falling, allowing himself to feel the betrayal before nodding once.  "Very well, I shall send the message tonight.  Back to the business at hand, Vari, why have you brought this boy?  Is gossip not enough, you needed to bring proof?"

Dr. Snow's joking demeanor dropped.  "You are dying Pimedus, and no doctor can heal you."

"Yes, I know." 

"Someone needs to succeed you, carry on your work.  Who better than a boy already destined for the the throne?"

Vihane lifted his chin. "I can speak for myself."

"An entitled brat, see?" Pimedus gestured to the boy, raising a brow. 

"An entitled brat who wants the throne.  Whether for the Avionaries or Nocturnes, I will wear that crown," Vihane rebutted, taking a step forward, "The real question is, am I also fighting for your people?"

Pimedus stared down at Vihane; over his strong pose and determined gaze, the makings of a king.  Stoic expression breaking, Pimedus' lips turned upward.  He extended a hand out to Vihane.

"Very well, let me take you to the War Room."

Vihane kept his head raised, unblinking as he reached up.  His fingers curled around Pimedus'.  With a squeeze, he shook his hand.

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