chapter 3 Pirate or Princess?

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I didnt reply. ' this guy is flipping huge i dont know if i should be scared or happy' i thought to my self. He picked me up and sat me down. Befor i relized it my leg was high in the air and he was running his hands all over me.

       " what do you think you doing!!" i screeched at him.  I got my self ready to kick him in the face but the dress i was wearing flipped over my head. i quickly tried to keep the stupid thing down and in the process i kicked the man in the face.

   " Ouch why did you do that." the man asked calmly but you could sents eratation in his voice.

he quickly started to lift my leg up again, i tried to kick him but he doged this one.

"Stop that, im a lady not a man!!!"

      " Then tell me wear you got hurt so i can help you, then i wont have to find it my self." I decided that it was best if i just told him.

  " my ankle." i sad quietly

"what?? speak up."

     " I said my ankle!" i yelled so he could hear me loud and clear this time.

" See that wasnt that hard now was it" he said with a giant grinn on his face, it was so big it looked like he was gonna eat his ears. After he was done with my ankle i told him kindly that i would be leaving. *BARK , BARK* my breath was already heave as it was and my ankle felt like thumbtaks digging and scrapping the flesh with every step. Be caught bye the dogs or keep running. " keep running" i told my self. i turned down an alley way, the dogs were off their leashes and hot on my tail. i looked behind my back and one of the dogs was just on the other corner. befor i knew it i was on the ground waiting for the rest of the dogs to rip my flesh. one dog amide for my leg but only got a big mouth full of dress. I waited for the final blow, but it never came. when i looked up i saw the man from the boat, he took the bite from the dogs for me. he punched one dog and another untill they were all down.

" Im glad i followed you. S-" he was cut off by the guards

" if your looking for a fight little man then bring it but lucy heartfillia is coming with us." the guards said

I now have two choices be a princess again or go with the strange man and be a pirate.

               TO BE CONTINUED

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