Niall Intro

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Hi lovers my name is Niall James Horan I have natural brunette hair but I dyed it blonde when I was 12. I am from Mullingar, Ireland. I have 4 friends named Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, and Louis Tomlinson. They are all vampires. I lost all of my other friends when I became a vampire because I was to tempted to kill them.

Anyways, I like to play golf, football⚽, and tennis.

My family are very protective over me. I'm not allowed to wonder alone. Or really even be in public. I hate being this monster, the worst part is what ever I'm felling shows up in my eyes so people always know what I'm thinking. I most horrible time is when I like a girl, they will have black hearts in the middle of my red eyes.

It's been so hard for me to get a girl because of this. I just want to find a girl who will love me for who I am before I turn 23.

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