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Humans. They are so consistent. They share a single belief. They believe that only two sides are there for you to stay, and you have to choose where; good of bad. You have to choose what person will you be. Naughty or nice. Saint or evil. Hero or villain.

Humans tends to believe what their mere eyes see and what their ears hear. They put on so much trust on those senses that has been given to them. They judge according to what they now, not exploring to know better.

Being in the bad side with good intentions will reflect you as a bad person, and having bad intentions while staying in the good side will reflect you as a good one.

Some humans has the ability to deduct perfectly by using their keen observations and logical reasoning, giving them the privilege to judge people they don't even know. But some judge, merely judges to what they know. They will read your life as if they know you better than you do. Either way, both kind of those humans are so naive.

Judging others as if they've done nothing wrong. Those arrogant humans. Too bad I am one of them. Yes, I am also a lowly human, and I hate being one. Your mind being corrupted by the way others think, don't you think it sucks? It is tiring to meet several person who by the mere fact is just similar to each other. How I wish I was only a humble worm than to be a human.

Humans have many flaws that other creatures have. Crab mentality, prey-predator relationship, self defences and affection for others is one of those. Humans are even more disgusting than any other species ever discovered. It must be rude to think this way. Yes, I am thinking very inhumane. I was once a human. The one who believes that only one truth prevails and justice is for everyone who deserves it. I was ones a human who unrightfully judge someone who does something bad in my thoughts.

I was ones a human, until I woke up. The world itself is uneven. It has slopes, peaks, mountains and valleys. It has ups and downs, it has highs and lows. The creatures living in the ocean floors or even below it wants to be high above and the birds up in the sky wants to explore down below. The world is never fair, and never will be. So must its inhabitants will be.

I am watching at the monitor of my laptop which is connected to ten cameras installed everywhere to check if the plan will flow perfectly.

"Double F, place the gremlin facing at 4 o' clock, MS position in front the gremlin, about 11 o' clock"

"Roger" they replied in unison.

"Mr. Lopez, where is the comfort room?"
'It's there, at the right side, go through that door, go left and you'll see it.' I herd the conversation through our earphones as the guy turned to the said direction.

"MS, have you found it?"

"I did"
'Hey, who are you talking to?' I herd another guy's voice from MS' phone.

"Oh, have I been talking my thoughts out loud?"

'No, you're talking to someone.' He said fiercely. I quickly checked the guy's ID through the hidden camera I have installed in the room and searched about him and his identity. A detective, and the others with him are cops in civilian! Crap, this detectives are getting through my nerves!

'I see. So you have hidden cameras eh?' The man said

"Hidden cameras? You mean CCTVs?? Well, we have one in our home. We use it not just to catch criminals but to--" the MS replied but he was not able to continue because the detective cut it.

Well, I used that enough time to install another bug in the phone one of the cops using. I hacked the system of his phone by using one of his apps that needs internet and did what I was supposed to do.

'This building is not a training ground for you, reaper trainee. Ryan, call for backup, these kids sure has something up their sleeves.' The man said

"Reaper? Isn't that a fictional thing?" MS said with a playful voice.

'Tell me, where is your base?' The man said. Then, my phone rang. This must be my victim's call. I already installed their chief police' voice a while ago, since I hacked his phone and got some recorded voice mails from their conversation and changed the number to mine. I installed the voice in my voice changer application and picked up the phone.

"Hello Chief Bacsain, we need back ups, there are persons involved in the ACE" the cop said
"Roger that, we're on our way so consider it done" I said trying to imitate how the chief talks and his choice of words.

I touched the earphone in my right ear and addressed double F
"Cops are here. Plan B, double F will do he job"
"Roger" she replied and I saw her take her move in my screen.

"MS, send me the documents now" I said while typing another program installed to his watch in my laptop and addressed it to our client.

"I don't really have time to chit chat with you, mister. I still have a class this afternoon, just passing by to meet my old man" he said while touching the watch, pretending to check time.

"Double F, use your skills. NOW!" I said and I heard another man scream with pain in the other end.


"F-fire!!" Double F rushed inside the room where the cops and MS are, acting that there really is a fire.

'Evacuate the people inside the building! The others will guard the reaper-- where is he???' I herd the detective commanded through the surveillance camera.

"MS, use the back route, cops are at the 3, 9, and 12 o' clock. Beware of the guards at 8 o' clock"


I looked through my surveillance camera and saw two other cops approaching at her right. Change of plans eh? Did they expect that I won't read that through?

"Double F, are you in place?" I said and she tapped her earphone. Long, short, long and long taps. That means yes.

"Pull the trigger. MS won't do it" I said. If ever that MS will go in a combat, it only means that they will win and we will fall on their stupid little trap.

I watched as Double F shot them to their vital organs, killing them. So, Mr. Detective, you just lost your pawns while mine's complete. We won, didn't we?

"Accomplished. Get out of there, NOW!"

They ran to the woods, meeting me at the hiding place.

"Heh, pretty easy huh? Why didn't you let me pull the trigger??" MS said, complaining to my orders. Well, is that how you thank me? Tsk.

"Stop complaining, idiot! You were in danger, I saved your butt, that's all. No need to say thank you. I know I'm gorgeous." Double F said.

"Where's the connection? Gorgeous my ass" MS said while sharpening his blades.

"Shut up Red! You know I am!" Double F said. I glared at her, reminding that we are not yet in a safe place. They both know that our identities are confidential, and if it leaks, we'll be considered as gremlin and die as soon as possible.

"I-I mean MS." She said. Geez! When will they treat situations like this serious? Well, as for them, it is just a piece of cake. MS, or should I say Red, pulled his mask from his face.

"Next time you make me a face, would you please make it good looking?! This one is damn ugly! And why on earth did Villian did not whore a mask?! Unfair!"

"It's because my beauty is needed, moron!"

"Oh yeah? Dream on!"

I just ignored their complain.

I pulled a paper containing the words ACCIDENT and sealed it with the word DONE. I took a picture from another of the cameras that is close to the gremlin. His body is full of burnt marks all over and looks like a rotten meat. It will be hard to be recognised as Niño Lopez, the owner of the building we just burned. That's what you get being a traitor.

Humans believe that you shall only choose one side. Good or bad. Protagonist and antagonist. But as for me, I chose nothing. As long as I'm alive and kicking, I will follow my only principle in life. Protect those who are loyal and important persons and kill those who aren't. Besides, I once wore a badge and protect lives. Yet now, I prefer holing guns and plotting their deaths.

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