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Gore gingerly pet his stuffed animal's, Zika, soft fabric. He stared at it affectionately, staying still on the chair he sat. He was currently in a waiting room, ordered to remain there until Batman returned.

He didn't have any of this guns, with was a huge bummer.

Instead, the black backpack next to him was filled with things consisting of an iPhone (which he TOTALLY didn't steal), a pack of mint gum, a laptop, and a small notebook which held different sketches and notes about various things.

And, of course, Gore was chewing gum.

Batman had finally strode in three minutes later, narrowing his eyes at Zika, "Where'd you get that?" he questioned.

Gore stared at Batman, raising a brow, "From Santa, obviously, because, you know, I worship him," he paused, glancing upwards, "oh, wait... that was Satan," he then met the bat's eyes again, "I always get the two mixed up."

The bat's eyes narrowed even more, but he waved away the matter, "Follow," he commanded.

Gore stuck out his tongue, "Not even a please? Ru~ude," the male stood, grabbing his bag in the process.

"I don't do that nice guy stuff," grumbled the vigilante, swatting the red-eyed other away slightly when he tried to steal some of his batarangs, "So don't try to draw that out of me."

They exited the prison, the moon high in the middle of the jet-black sky. Clouds hazed the moon's dim glow, and the stars twinkled like fireflies above. Gore rose a brow at them, then turned back to the Dark Knight.

"Yeah well there's always a good cop balancing the bad cop, and honestly, I don't see you in either of those positions," the anti-hero(villain?) narrowed his eyes as the two slipped into a darker side of Gotham, "You're in that grey line in the middle-- it's like, really small but I assure you that there is indeed a grey line. Somewhere."

"And what colored section are you in?"

It was supposedly a mocking question, aimed to piss Gore off, but said boy averted his eyes to the breaking down buildings in thought, "I'm in that area where no one gives a shit."

"That's not a color."

"To you maybe. You see in black and white-- the fuck is that?"

Gore cut off his train of thought as they stood in an alleyway, in front of a slightly worn down telephone booth. Confusion bled into his gaze, then it was replaced by wariness, fixed on Batman. Seeing the suspicious look at him, the bat rose a brow, "You first."

"What the hell and I supposed to do in a rotten telephone booth?!" he then proceeded to mock in a squeaky voice, "Mummy, Daddy, you left me at my demise at the hands of a flying rat!"

Batman shoved him into the booth, and he transported away with a flash, and only then did the vigilante follow.

When he arrived at the Moutain, he was met at the sight of Gore standing still in bitter surprise. A frown was fixed upon his face, and his right hand was suspended in the air, as if debating whether or not to touch his face, and, finally, the boy was blinking so furiously that Batman was sure he'd tire his eyelids.

At last, after a few moments, Gore heaved out in a loud, and hoarse, voice, "I saw the light."

"Who the hell is this?"

Abandoning his startled feeling, the ebony-haired young turned to grin like the Cheshire Cat and an older male from the other side of the cave. Other children followed behind, only seeming a few years younger than the first.

"I know you!" the antihero exclaimed in false awe, "You're Speedy!"

"Fuck you."

"He likes to be called Red Arrow," a ginger commented, slightly nervously to Red Arrow's left.

"You too!" Gore spoke up again to the ginger haired teen, grin widening, "You're Flash Boy!"

The ginger snapped his mouth shut in a grimace. The red-eyed other stared at all the other teen heroes in the group, and not recognizing them, amusement filled his face, "So the League got new bitches."

"Apprentices,"  Batman corrected, irritation clear on his voice as his glare worsened, "They're apprentices."

"Who. Is. This."

It was Red Arrow again, gripping his bow threateningly at the newcomer, but said new arrival just smiled, showing off his own threat: sharp teeth.

Batman almost growled at their attitude, "This is Gore," the bat said, and realization snapped into place for the teens, "He will be staying under your watchful eyes. He is your responsibility. Do not let him escape."

"Dude," he heard Kid Flash murmur under his breath, "That guy's a serial killer."

"Um, question? Mr. Flying Mammal, sir?" asked a blonde, supporting Green Arrow's theme, as she raised her hand with a frown, "Why in the world would you let us be responsible for a maniac?!"

The Dark Knight didn't reply to that one, but sent a warning glare her way.

Gore cleared his throat, "Hey, bitches!" he greeted, "I'm hear to kick ass and chew bubblegum!" there was a pause, and his voice dropped into a rather charming tone, much to the surprise of what he was going to say next, "And I'm all out of bubblegum."


A/N: A Chapter I had since September :O

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