Chapter 6... What happened?

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You jumped and hit the car horn. Xiumin jumped up beside you. "What! What!"
You looked around. Why am I in the car at the beach? You thought. "What are we doing here?" Xiumin asked. You shrugged "I don't know. Did we forget something​?"
"I don't know." He replied.
"Do you smell valerian?" You asked.
"Yeah but at the beach? That's unusual."
You two sat in silence. This is strange. You thought of something. "(Y/n)!"
"Baekhyun." You mumbled. An image of him handing you a dull light flashed in your mind.
"Baekhyun? Baek! That's why we were here. We have to go find him."
"I think we tried and didn't find anything. Look it's getting late. We need to go home. I'm sure the others are worried." He looked at his phone. "Yeah each of them have called me. Let's go (y/n)."
"He's not here, let's go." You bit your​ lip then sighed. "Fine." You started up the car and drove home.

As soon as Xiumin opened the door, everyone started yelling at the two of you.
"Where have you been?"
"What were you doing?"
"Why didn't answer your phone?"
"We were worried!"
"We thought something had happened!"
"Guys-" they talked over you.
"We were-" they talked over Xiumin. Tao sighed and snapped his fingers. Everything went quiet. He un-paused you and Xiumin.
"As you can see, eveyone is not happy. Why didn't you guys answer your phones?"
"We were at the beach looking for Baek." Xiumin answered. "And?"
"We didn't find anything. He's just gone." You said.
"We searched hard you know we did but there was nothing to find." Xiumin said sitting down
"I think." You added.
"Nothing." Xiumin said
"It might be something." You said looking at him.
"What?" Tao asked.
"Valerian is known to put you to sleep." You explained.
"But we also don't remember."
"Remember what?" Tao asked.
"I don't know about that part."
"What if someone did something to us?" You asked.
"Okay who? Who would do it? There's no reason for it. I think you're overreacting (y/n)."
"I think you're under reacting Minseok."
"I'm not, I'm being logical about this. There's no one left to hurt us, we stopped the evil that was after us. I know I said I felt like someone was watching​ us but the feeling is gone and-"
The feelings gone because they took Baek."
"Who took him (y/n)?" Xiumin asked.
"I don't know! Someone did though and I can't handle the fact that I couldn't stop it!"
"We didn't know it was gonna happen." Tao said.
"And we still don't know what's happening around us. At first I thought you were paranoid but now I'm not so sure."
"Alright I'm gonna have to un-paused​ everyone, it's been too long."
"Fine." You folded your arms. He snapped his fingers. Everyone started yelling again. You growled, "Stop!" They went silent.
"What happened to you two?" Kris asked.
"Look before you guys start yelling again, I'm going to explain what happened or at least what I remember."

You explained what you were doing and your conversation while they were paused.
"If something is wrong then we can't​ be alone, we'll have to say in pairs or group is that cool everyone?" Kris asked. Eveyone nodded and agreed. "Alright I'll assign the groups, you guys can pick pairs. Kai, Chanyeol, Suho, D.O, Sehun and (y/n) will be one group. Xiumin, Chen, Lay, Tao, Luhan and I will be the other group. You guys can discuss groups among yourselves either now or later. We're good right?"
"I'm fine with it. At least in pairs or groups we can help each other." You said
Later that night everyone had chosen who they would pair up with.
Xiumin and you.
Lay and Chen
Kris and Tao
Chanyeol and Kai
Luhan and Sehun
Suho and D.O.
No one would go anywhere without the other.

To be continued…

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