Chapter 20...Plus 1

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You float, unconscious​. Someone finally sees you and pulls you to shore. They preform CPR. Finally, you start breathing. You choke up water and sit up. Where am I? You thought. "Are you okay?" A boy about your age asked. You nod unable to speak. "Good. I don't know how you got here but you're breathing so that's all that matters." You nod again while looking around. "You're probably wondering where you are. This is the beach in downtown (p/n)."
"No way." You finally spoke.
"Hey... Can I ask you something?"
I- and I know this sounds kind of crazy, but I saw you like… appear then disappear then appear again in the water. At first I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought I was crazy! But seeing you now, I know I'm not -maybe- it does sound a bit crazy doesn't it?" You decided not to lie. He did after all save your life. You sighed "No it doesn't sound crazy. It's true, I teleported here while fighting that robot."
"Where's the robot?" He asked.
"Probably at the bottom of the ocean by now. How did you find me?"
"I saw your body floating and moving farther and farther away from the shore so I swam out to get you."
"You must be a very powerful swimmer."
"Well yeah I am and I'm going to be honest with you. The only reason I'm so fast is because I'm able to-" he thought for a second. "Come with me." He grabbed your arm and led you down to the water.
"This is where the trail ends." You heard a robotic voice say. You stop and pull him behind tall rocks near by. "What-"
"Shh!" You peek around the rocks. 3 robots walked down the beach stopping at the waters edge. "They are either dead or she is hiding."
"Shall we look for her?" The robot behind asked.
"No. However while we are here we should accomplish the other mission at hand. We must find the fish boy and take him back with us."
"But we are not waterproof." The robot infront touched the chests of the 2 behind him. "You are now. Let's go under water and see if he's there." They step into the water going farther and farther before the were under completely. You walked from behind the rocks. "Fish boy? Who could that be…" you turned and liked the boy behind you. "That's me. I'm a mermaid or well merman. Sounds impossible huh?"
"At this point in my life, no not really. I've learned that the words impossible and myth are in fact not real words themselves."
"I'll explain later, look I need to go and you're coming with me." You grabbed his hand. "Let's go…"

To be continued…

The Exo Experiment -Wolf Within Book 2-Where stories live. Discover now