Our Song

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My world is silent because of you,

Because of you and our song.

Or should i say our songs...

We listened to everything together.

Whether to laugh or to cry, to dance, and make love and to experience every emotion known to mankind. 

From Pop to Alternative and obscure Indie bands

And any and everything beyond, between and before that

The songs from our favorite movies, 

The songs blasted by a passing stranger


So now,

I have nothing.

There is no one song, band or genre that I can listen to without thinking of you 

And breaking all over again.

So fuck you.

You've turned my world a vast empty canvas of nothingness; 

With a silence that screams louder than any song I've heard.

A silence that tears at the skin and pulls me deeper

Into a realm of darkness that I will never be able to escape from.

So fuck you.

For making every song our song.

For embedding a memory into every chord of every song I've ever heard.

Fuck you for taking the only escape from this cruel  world;

And turning it into the purest form of torture.

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