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"This task will make be astonishing! It will test your survival capabilities and the trust you have in each other, even blood close sisters could go against each other during this task, this is purely based on instinct! Isn't it amazing?!" Dave's light British accent jump on the walls like echo and ends up being sucked into the endless corridors.

I take a look up at Joji, he knows if he makes one mistake, I'll end up being pissed for the next month, he looks back at me like he has a bad feeling about what's to come and I should stop worrying about simple things like if he knows when our anniversary is or if he remembered my birthday.

"This task really is about life or death" Dave's voice got deeper but still with the light British accent.

"Don't worry, It'll be fine." Joji assures me.

"Joj, you're the one worrying here." I chuckle, making a joke out of the whole situation.

"Who said I was assuring you?" Joji says, adding a little 'hmph' at the end.

"Fucking hell, you're so Tsundere." He gasped louder than a leaf blower and spiked everyone's attention.

"Does he have asthma or some retarded stuff like that?" The silver haired girl asked.

"Fuck you." I simply answered and watch her face turn into pure surprise.

Max, Chad and Ian laughed at her reaction who looked no different than the surprised emoji.

"Onto the challenge everyone!" Dave says  lightendly and pulls a lever, the floor beneath me disappears and the only thing i can rely on is the first hand that comes to my rescue, it was one of the three strangers' hands, I look right up at his hooded self, the others couldn't see his face but I could.

He was super pale, almost albino pale, he had dark circles around both of his eyes and a sick nightmare scarring smile was plastered onto his face. I had an idea of what he was gonna do so I reached up to hold his arm with both hands so if he lets go he can't lose me. The sick smile continued to show, he didn't even blink, his eyes became redder and redder.

"What the fuck are you doing dude! Pull her up!" Chad yelled from across the room.

This only made him tilt his head at me and stare even harder.

"Pull her up you fucking pervert!" Joji yells and starts dragging the creep up while I'm hanging onto him.

He didn't even budge a muscle, Joji had to drag him up by himself, finally after expecting it for a while, his eyes creates a tear and it falls onto my cheek, I frown in disgust and he takes the opportunity to wildly shake the arm I was holding onto.

"Quick! Drag me up for fucks sake!"

Max runs over and helps Joji finally pull us up, I stumble over into Ian's hands who were on the other side. 

"Keep that sick freak away from me!" I say as I wipe his tear away from my cheek.

He just kept smiling, his eyes were red and teary, and his mouth was just as open wide as a second ago.

"What the fuck is wrong with him?" Chad asks.

"I don't fucking know! He stared at me like that during the whole time he held me up." I answered him terrified.

Max kneeled down to the man, took a hold of his hood and put it over his head then pulled the strings and made a little knot making only his chin exposed.

"Keep it like this, buddy." Max patted his back before he stood up again and turned to my direction.

"Are you okay?" Joji hadn't had time to react in the fast paced scene that just happened before our eyes.

"Are the other strangers like this as well?" Joji asked in the direction towards the two other hooded men.

"Okay, we're not that ugly." they threw of their hood exposing fair skin and dark circles as well but not the disgusting smile and red eyes, they were in fact, quite attractive.

One of them had raven black hair ruffled on his head covering the upper half of his face, including the eyes, the eyes could be seen between the strands of hair and appear to be ice cold blue, his features were harshly defined, his cheekbones worked as the flashes of light in the sky on a dark and rainy day, his jawlines as lightning bolts, striking everybody who comes close, his hair was like thunder and his eyes worked as raindrops. Everything about him made him feel like a stormy night.

The other guy was like what came after the storm, his hair flowed to the right side of his face because of his golden curly locks, his eyes looked almost pastel purple and I could probably live myself into them at any time, his features were soft and faded yet defined and energetic, his collarbones were the first things to catch my attention, they were sharp as if they could cut diamonds with a slight touch, his Adams apple bulked out as if its life depended on it, he had freckles crowding his nose and cheeks, his eyelashes were long and gave off a dreamy look.

He gulped as he watched me survey him, it was one of the most satisfying things I've seen in months to watch his Adams apple jump down then up again.

"Did all of you come here together?" I asked.

"Me, Shuya and Haru came here together yeah, we have no idea who the others on this ship are." The golden boy spoke with such a sweet and tender voice I could fall asleep to.

"Well, I'm Lynx, short for Lynxanne. This guy over here is my boyfriend; Joji-" 

Joji looked proud, like a little child.

"- Over here this big guy is Chad, he would do anything for money, hence that's the reason he's here, that tall thing is called Ian, he might not look like much but he can probably fuck up your mind by being to sexual, and last but not least; Max, my tip is staying away from this one, he can be quite... special" I finish myself

"Oh! Don't pay attention to Chad and Max's heavy Australian accents, Joji has of an accent to, and I'm  British." I quickly add before Shuya, the one with thunder for hair, could let out anything else than air out of his mouth.

"What do you fookin mean I'm speci-"

"Max shush." He obeys and immedietely shushes.

"Wow" we all say, even the strangers.


ayy y'all I'm back again, like you'd miss me hahaha, a lot of things have been happening lately and I've had the worst writersblock ever, wrote this at my local starbucks tho to kill time, I still have like 40 minutes left that I have to wait tho brb kms, well I hope I keep writing on this story cus I don't want it to flop and I was really addicted to writing this during last summer so I hope I'll either get addicted to writing another one or continue this, because I just really want to write, it's the only thing I'm kinda good at (other than being a complete asshole lmao) But yea, I don't want to rant to complete strangers who don't care, so I'm just gonna keep that ranting part out of the chapter. And yes, I am aware it was a bit short, sorry if you're disappointed but you're probably not even reading this so why bother apologize.

as always,

"Ore wa Ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo"


The author

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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