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Legit me with so many songs. Like don't get me wrong, I CAN do the screams scream, but if I do it my mother along with my entire family will hurt me.
I would love to have a place where I could go to just practice my screaming scream.

That'd be great.

~"At least you know I'm good in bed."
Anyways I might have been a little sped when I made my dates as to when I'm updating. I meant the upcoming days of this week. I know I didn't put that and most of you though last week but I meant next/this week.

I hate school. I have so many finals. Like I even have one in my fricking animation class and art class. What?!?! Why is this a thing?!?!  Why can't there not be finals? I don't know. Shoot me now.   •😅🔫       🔥😅☄️   ~

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