Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

When Adrian came downstairs, they all gathered by the fireplace.

“Hermione, you and Adrian go first.” Molly said, as Hermione carried Adrian into the fireplace, and handed her some floo powder.

“Mrs. Weasley....where exactly are we going? I can't floo without knowing.” Hermione asked, Severus forced back a chuckle.

“Grimauld place.” Molly stood back, holding out her arm in front of her family as Hermione lifted her arm, throwing the floo powder down, shouting “Number 12 Grimmauld Place” loudly, and clearly.

When Hermione arrived there, she hardly recognized the place.

“SURPRISE!” Adrian cried, throwing his arms around his mother, and nuzzling her neck.

“Did you know about this?” She asked smiling, as Severus came through the fireplace, smirking.

“Yes, he knew. We brought him here as soon as he woke up. We wanted to see if he thought you would like it, or well...Molly told him, and he made the point that he had to approve first.”

Hermione looked at the little boy, smiling away. “Is that so?” She said, setting him down on the floor, and watched as he ran off. She almost went after him, before Severus took her hand.

“It's been child proofed, there is nothing in there that can harm him. With Narcissa and Andromeda being the only Black's left, they helped us remove everything that could harm him. And all the things that you, as a Gryffendor, would find 'disturbing'” Severus smirked, and she just stared after her child as he ran around playing, running from one room, into the next. Severus took her hand and walked her upstairs.

“I already know where everything is...” She protested.

“That may be so, but I want to see the look on your face, as you see what all we've done.” He smiled, she didn't think she'd ever seen him smile so much, as she had since the time she returned to the Burrow. “The Weasley's should be coming soon, they wanted to give you a moment.”

“They really didn't have to...” Hermione said, but she did admit, it was a little brighter. “What about Kreacher?” She asked.

“He now serves at Hogwarts. With him being free, he's mellowed out a bit...he still has a mild hatred for muggle borns, and supposed 'blood traitors', so Minerva thought best to put him somewhere where he won't cause any accidental harm, whether it be physical, or emotional.” Hermione nodded. “Minerva also gave us permission to do all of this, and it didn't take much for her to convince Narcissa and Andromeda. Both didn't really like how it was, they couldn't stomach it.”

The day went on quite the same way. The Weasleys arrived shortly after, and Hermione gushed about the new furniture in each bedroom. The different color schemes in each room, which she later found was George's idea, which earned him a kiss on the cheek from Hermione. When all was said and done, the Weasley's made a point to have the cake in Hermione's new kitchen. Here at Number 12 Grimmauld place.

When they had been finished, they all flooed to Diagon Alley for some shopping..which Severus had to admit, he enjoyed it, mildly. They apparated to Hogsmeade after that, and went to the Three Broomsticks to enjoy some butterbeers, and Adrian got an ice cream.

After such a long day, they decided to floo back to the Burrow, all ready for bed. But when Hermione shouted “The Burrow”, nothing happened. They weren't taken there. Panicked, they all apparated back. No one expected what they arrived home to.

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