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If someone told me a week ago that werewolves are real, I would've honestly laughed so hard until I run out of breath. Try and tell me now, and I won't hesitate to believe you.

In fact, I can show you myself.

My best friends, Ashton Pines, Jeremy Kayes, and Julian Mernes, happens to be the three alphas of great tribes in town. Tribes that I had yet to know.

They are currently standing in front of my bed, explaining to me what I just witnessed last night.


A guy pinned me on the wall of a dark alley, and I pushed him off, only to be stabbed on the shoulders. I yelp, and yelled for help, but realized that no one was going to hear me.

The guy almost touched me if it weren't for three of my best friends who randomly appeared out of nowhere, all dressed in nothing but denim shorts.

I sighed in relief when they pulled the guy away from me and hid me behind them. Almost immediately, the guy that stabbed me turned into a big wolf, causing my eyes to widen.

"What is that?!" I yelled panicking. "Did a wolf ate him?!"

Julian faced me and chuckled,then turned to the guy/wolf that is now staring at us like it's going to eat us.

"Jules, take her home." Ashton ordered.

Julian was about to lift me and carry me home when I stubbornly shook my head and stood my ground.

"Are you crazy Ash?! I'm not gonna let you handle this dog all by yourself! Let's just call an exterminator or something?!"

Somehow, I couldn't stop yelling.

"Exterminator?" Jeremy questioned. "Really Laura?"

Julian chuckled again, causing Ashton to glare at him.

"What? It's funny. Besides, Laura Greene is as stubborn as you. No one can do anything about that. And unless you want her to be mad at us for the rest of her life, I'm not gonna take her home unless she tells me to." Julian stated with a smirk playing on his lips.

Atta boy!

I couldn't stop the grin that plastered itself on my face, but after I hear a loud growl, it dropped.

"What the hell is going on here? What is that man?!" I asked again, receiving no answers.

They all looked at the big gray wolf who is slowly making it's way to us. Julian pulled me back, even further from the wolf, and then the wolf charged my way. I swear, I really thought he was gonna eat me because he opened his big ass mouth, snapping it towards me, if it weren't for another wolf biting him away from me.

This wolf was black, like... darker shade of black. If that's even possible.

I turned to tell the guys that we have to leave, but I only saw Jeremy and Julian with me.

"Uhhh... Where's Ashton?!"

Jeremy pointed at the two wolves now fighting.

"What does that mean?" I asked Jeremy.

Jeremy sighed and went closer to me. He held my hand and gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"You okay?" He asked me with a soft tone.

I took my time in answering as I was suddenly hypnotized by his green eyes. Jeremy was built like a freaking statue--- heck! They all were! The only difference that Ashton, Jeremy and Julian had were their pretty eyes and hair colors. Julian had a pair of blue eyes, while Ashton had black. As for hair colors, Jeremy is a redhead with long straight hair, Julian has short, hazel brown hair (though, he's originally an icy blonde), and for Ashton, like his eyes, his hair is black as well.

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