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When I was fourteen years old, I was in the state called "puberty", and trust me when I say that it wasn't my best friend. Puberty almost destroyed my chance of having a normal high school life without being bullied. Key word is almost. Throughout my high school life, I managed to make a lot of friends who happens to be a part of the popular group and I'm so happy to say that they accepted me despite my zit-covered face, big glasses, baggy clothes, and the ever so typical ugly braces that makes me sound odd and poor in English. And though I belonged in a popular group, there was still another group of populars that doesn't want me around them, so they took it upon themselves to take up the job as my constant bullies.

One of those bullies was my high school crush, Elton Cass. A very handsome jock with beautiful blonde hair and perfect white teeth with super blue eyes.

I was in love with Elton when I was nine and saw him move into the neighborhood, occupying the yellow mansion three houses down from mine. I'm exaggerating of course... when I first saw him, I just felt attracted to him, even when he sent a scowl my way for staring at him. I could tell back then that he hated to be in this little town.

I first officially met him in one of my Dad's BBQ party when the whole neighborhood came and had a blast. Elton however, was sitting on the edge of the pool, probably sulking on the inside after being dragged by his Mother into my house. I made the courage to go up to him and talk but he flipped me off so I decided to walk back to where I was standing and talking to my childhood friends.

Elton didn't have any friends until my brother Jeremy confronted him about acting like a spoiled brat in front of everyone during our freshmen year. Apparently, no one ever dared to call Elton out for his bad behavior, and when someone (my brother I mean) finally did, he looked up to him and finally opened up to him. Making them best of buds.

I thought that when my brother and Elton are best friends, I'd finally get the chance to become Elton's friend too, however, he pushed me out, making sure that I am nowhere near his sight. My brother didn't know that Elton was constantly discouraging me, bullying me for some unknown reason, and I couldn't tell him. I didn't want to ruin Elton's chance of having friends.

Jeremy was two years older than me and Elton so when my brother graduated and left high school, Elton was back to his "I'm ignoring the world, notice me" phase. He still had friends, though, they were nothing to him.

When Jeremy left town, Elton no longer hid the fact that I was his walking target. He threw rotten eggs my way, made me slip on spoilt milk, called me ugly--- but never once did I hate him for it. As a matter of fact, I felt more in love with him. Call me a masochist but love hurts, and I can take the pain for as long as I can.

However, I'm not as strong as I'd believe.

It was my and Elton's graduation in high school when he stepped out of line.

He was the class valedictorian at that time and he was in the middle of his speech. He stopped talking midway, locking eyes with me; at that time, I thought he was going to confess his undying love for me,but I was so so wrong. He grabbed a crumpled piece of pink paper and proceeded to read its contents.

"Today, Elton Cass called me a volcano face after purposely putting hot sauce on my lunch. I didn't know how he did it, but he succeeded with his prank. My face got all bloated and red that most of my friends had to help me cool down. It hurt but I didn't care. I was staring directly to his face as he laughs at me. I know the laugh was because of his prank but all I could think was how I, Delphy Hawkins, made Elton Cass laugh. He had the most beautiful laugh in the world that if I'd die at that time, I'd be more than willing to know that I died happily and contented." Elton read.

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