Chapter 2

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Authors notes: I just figured out I didnt tell you anything about Ben XD so here's the basic info.
He's 16 years old. Is white skinned, has short hair, wears a black t-shirt with a black pants that have flame designs on them, with matching shoes, has black hair and is 6'3(Derpys 5'5 give or take an inch.) and his eye color is brown.
O…k…..there's a gray Pegasus pony standing in my kitchen calling my name….Ben thought to himself with a wide gaping mouth. Ben just watched as the pony looked around his kitchen, every so often calling his name. She has bubbles on her…butt I guess…Ben thought to himself as he quickly gave her the once over.
"Mr. Ben? Hmm….maybe he left me alone here…but I swear he was just on the couch with me…and I thought I saw him go into here. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to leave a girl hanging…oh well." Derpy said with a long sad sigh and a sad frown. But both disappeared as she saw Ben standing there. She gasped and threw herself at him and hugged him tightly, pressing her head against his chest. "I knew you weren't the type of guy to leave a girl hanging"
"Wha? But I…urg." Ben said finding he couldn't say anything, and instead hugged the grey Pegasus that seemed thrilled to see he hadn't left her alone. Geez…I wonder if this is what it's like when you leave your girlfriend for a week. Ben thought with a little grin.
"Hey? Is your name Derpy Hooves?" Ben asked as he gently pulled the grey Pegasus off of his chest, it was after all getting hard to breath. He looked at her eyes as she stared up at him and to his slight surprise(he did after all already see the clay doll was the same) that the grey Pegasus pony had her eyes looking different directions, one looking up and the other looking down. Does she have a disorder? Or maybe she retarded. Ben thought to himself but quickly shoved these thoughts away. It doesn't matter she a pretty Pegasus even if her eyes look off in two directions.
"Yep. My names Derpy Hooves. I thought you already knew that though. Alice did tell you what my name was after all." Derpy smiled up at Ben. I wonder what he's thinking right now. She thought to herself. And then she thought 'MUFFINS'.
Ben couldn't help but smile as Derpy smiled at him. Her smile was a contagious.
"So Derpy how did you meet up with Alice?" Ben asked.
"Sorry…I can't tell you I promised Alice I wouldn't." Derpy said looking like she was going to cry.
"Hey, hey don't cry Derpy it's alright." Ben said giving her a grin, which made her grin back. Then to both of their surprise they heard a loud rumbling. Ben quickly pinpointed the sound and it was coming from…Derpy?
"Uh…Derpy? Are you hungry?"
"Yeah I am…do you have any muffins?" Derpy asked getting excited at the thought of having a yummy muffin. And to Ben's great surprise and amusement her blonde tail started wagging.
Ben laughed as he watched her tail wag and to his greater surprise Derpy started to drool. 'Maybe having this wild animal in my house won't be a such a bad thing.'
"Hey Derpy why don't you go wait on the couch and ill make you some muffins."
"MUFFINS!" Derpy shouted and gave Ben a quick hug before running off into the living room.
Ben just snickered then got out all the ingredients to make the muffins, and made them.
"Derp-" then cut off as he saw her snuggled into his spot on the couch asleep. Bens just smiled and set the muffins on the table next to her and was about to leave when all a sudden she grabbed onto him and pulled him on top of her.
"Mmm…Muffins." Derpy muttered in her sleep and started to lick the side of Ben's face. Ben quickly pulled himself out of her grasp and handed her a pillow which she then started to chew on.
"Man she sure is a weird sleeper." Then to his great surprise he was yet again pulled against her this time however she didn't let go and she didn't lick him. Derpy snuggled into Ben.
"Mmm…Ben." Derpy muttered in her sleep and then woke up. "MUFFINS!" she shouted and started eating the muffins.
"Figures." Ben said with a small grin until he noticed what the time was by glancing at his TV clock. Shoot. Ben thought with a sigh. It's 12:00. "Hey Derpy, I'm going to be heading to bed. Uh…do you want to sleep on the couch or we got a guest room or w-"
"Can I sleep with you? (No this isn't sexual!)" Derpy said staring at me with one eye and the other was on what I'm guessing would be the muffins.
Ben frowned gently. He didn't really want to let her sleep in his bed with him but she was giving him such a cute face.
"Please?" Derpy said putting her hooves in a begging motion and her tail whipped back and fourth slowly.
Damn it. Ben thought to himself. I lost this battle. Why must girls be so cute?
"Ok Derpy you win. Come on, follow me." Ben said and then led her up the stairs to his room. Derpy giggled.
"I've never been to a sleep over before." Derpy said obvious excitement in her voice.
"Uh…Derpy … this isn't a…" But Ben never finished the sentence because he saw how happy it made her when she thought this was a sleepover.
"Isn't a what?" Derpy said giving Ben a look of curiosity.
"Isn't a…uh…my room." Ben said thinking quickly and telling a lie because it was his room. Screw it I ain't going to hurt her. Ben thought to himself. "This isn't my room, I messed up sorry Derpy. My rooms over here." Ben said leading Derpy to his parent's room.
They won't mind I'm sure. He thought with a grin. Ben turned on the light so Derpy could see the room.
"Wow that bed is huge!" She said with wide eyes and without a moment's hesitation started to jump up and down on the bed. "C'mon Ben jump with me!" Derpy said jumping up and down.
"Derpy I'm a very mature person so I would nev-screw it." Ben joined Derpy on the bed bouncing up and down with her. After about 15 mins they both stopped sweating and huffing. " more" Ben said as he got up and told Derpy she had her side of the bed and he had his. "Goodnight Derpy"
"Goodnight Benjamin." Derpy said with a giggle and then passed out.

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