Chapter 4

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The whole day was a complete blur after I had my encounter with Caleb. I have never been this clueless about something before. He really wanted me to be his girlfriend? Why me? Clearly he never knew my name, so liking me should not even be an option. I thought that kiss was some kind of prank and he would forget it the next day. I never imagined him to be serious about it.

"Bella, when will you learn to clean your room and put things in its actual place?" My mother, Jane, rushed inside my room with the laundry. I was sitting near my study desk, lost in my thoughts when she walked in.

"Mom, leave it there, I'll do it later, I have to tell you something.." I thought of asking her advice of the sudden turn of events.

"Do it right now. I hate looking at a place so dirty. Look at your desk; are you the only one who has ever studied for exams? Clean it right now, Bella, I don't know how you turned out to be my daughter when you have nothing in common with me?!"

I sighed standing up and started arranging all the books on the table, "I wonder that myself.."

"What was that?" She snapped turning to face me.

"Nothing.." I thought my last remark wasn't that loud, but I guess the lady had sharp ears. Trying to change back to my real problem, I asked, "Mom, I want to.."

"And, oh, before I forget, your father can't give you any extra money this month, don't ask him again. Use the amount you already have"

"But, Mom, I don't have any money left this month. I used all up while buying Nina her birthday present last month"

"Well, you should have thought about it before spending so much then. It's not new to you what our family situation is.."

"But, Mom, Nina is.."

"Enough.. I am heading for bed, good night.." She walked out before I could carry on with the conversation or even talk about my recent problem. That's how she was, that's how my family worked. My father never had a say in anything and everything my Mom said was the final word for the three of us. My father stayed mostly out of town due to his work we never had a father-daughter kind of bonding. My mother was a housewife, but that didn't make us anything more than two acquaintances living under the same roof. She was always like that, and I had accepted to live with that and be out of her way for all my life.

I didn't remember a single time, when I had discussed any of my problems with her. She was never there to listen, and when she would, she would be too judgmental. You can never confide in someone who's always too judgmental, right? I didn't know why I thought today would be any different.

I still had my English assignment left to be done whose last date of submission was tomorrow. I hadn't yet started and here I was, sitting in my room and thinking about my lifelong problems. I finally arranged all my books and started working on the assignment when suddenly I heard my phone ring.

I looked at the caller id and accepted the call to hear the very familiar voice of my best friend,

I Kissed Mr. Popular (IKMP Series #1) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now