Chapter 24

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"You did what?" Nina's eyes are bulging out as she turns towards me disbelievingly.

"Forget I even told you" I mutter sulking in my seat as everybody turns around to look at Nina's high pitched voice.

"You?.. Omg! I can't even say what you did!! Dry humping...." Nina hisses while I shut her up her instantly.

"Do you need a mic Nina? And it didn't reach that point. We just kissed or made out, not sure exactly" I say sulking and blushng like a tomato.

"Sorry" She looks around to see all the confused students looking at us and whispers to me, "Why the hell did you go there in the first place?"

"I told you" I reply her while copying what Mrs. Brooch wrote on the board, "Mr. Anderson told me to hand over the envelope urgently"

"Yeah right!" Nina rolls her eyes, "And you couldn't give it to Jake, Peter or Sean? You had to do it yourself?"

"Fine" I bit my lip, "I wanted to see him. Is that a crime?"

"No honey!" Nina replies, "But having a dry humping session with someone who is not your boyfreind is a crime"

"We didn't.. and I couldn't help it" I put my head down over the desk in defeat, "I tried to stop him, but I just couldn't"

"You couldn't or you didn't want to?" Nina smirks and looks at me from the corner of her eye, as I shoot a glaring look at her.

"If it can make you feel any better, you had your 1st dry sex with Caleb! The most popular guy of our school, who by the way even confessed of loving you!"

"Arghh! Why did he have to love me?" I lean back in my chair, "If he just could have hated me like he used to, then all these could be so much simpler"

"Then would you have loved Noah?" Nina looks me in the eyes.


My first thought was a No. But why?

"I guess so" I shrugg, not saying what I actually meant, "Do you think it's cheating? Am I cheating on him like these?"

"Maybe. I am not sure, since your situation is so damned confusing! You did it just once, I guess if you tell it to him, it won't matter"

"Are you out of your mind? Telling Noah about that?!! He would be mad and heart-broken and..."

"You don't love him, Bella, telling him the truth will make things easier, for everyone" Nina sighs.

"I don't love Caleb either" I blurt out softly.

"Yeah! rant it like a prayer, babe, only then you could make yourself believe that" Nina spits out the words mockingly.

"He is so domineering. I am confused if it's really a feeling or an infatuation. And moreover, I am in a relationship now, I can't think of him again"

"God Bella! really" She stands up as the bell rang for the end of the period, "You are just too much! Do whatever you feel right"

"Nina please, don't leave me" I run up behind her as she walks out, "I really need your help right now"

"Bella, I have told you what to do, I can't..." Nina stops at her place making me bump into her. I trail her gaze and see Caleb coming out of the Principal's office angrily. A man of around Fifty, dressed in grey suit with a serious looking face comes out of the Office following behind him. Nina and I both look at each other and walk timidly towards a pillar infront and hide ourselves behind it.  

I Kissed Mr. Popular (IKMP Series #1) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now