twenty five.

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Since Mitch isn't going to help him, Kirstie is going to take matters into her own hands.

Kirstie sighs before pounding on Alex's dorm door. She waits quietly a few moments before the door finally opens.

"Kirstin? What are you doing here?" Alex asks, raising his eyebrows, when he sees Kirstie.

"You-" Kirstie pushes Alex's chest with her finger. "Stay the fuck away from Scott."

"Excuse me?" Alex scoffs. "You can't tell me what to do."

"Scott deserves better than you, you fucking asshole. He needs to be able to move on with his life but he can't because you keep dragging him into this abusive relationship," Kirstie snaps.

Alex glares at her. "Scott loves me and you just don't want to admit that,"

"Scott doesn't love you. He loves Mitch but Mitch is stubborn," Kirstie rolls her eyes. "Ugh... anyways! Fucking leave Scott alone or I'll call the police on you again. Do you want that to happen?"

"You can't call the police on me for doing nothing," Alex says, chuckling.

"It won't be long until you go back to your old ways. He's already gotten bruises on his body from sex..."

"He fucking told you that we had sex?" Alex snaps.

"I saw the bruises on his body, Alex. I asked him about them. He never lies to me," Kirstie snaps. "If you don't want people to know then you shouldn't be rough with him. Ew! I can't believe I'm talking about this with you right now. Stay away from Scott!" She turns around and storms away from his dorm.

Alex immediately calls Scott.

"Hi Allie," Scott says, somewhat nervously when he answers the phone. He just saw Alex earlier so he doesn't know why Alex is calling him so soon.

"Did you send Kirstin over here to yell at me?"

"What?" Scott asks, blinking a few times. "I didn't..."

"She came over here and fucking yelled at me,"

"Allie, I swear I didn't," Scott says. "I would never..."

"Will you come over to my dorm?" Alex asks.

"A-Are you going to hurt me?" Scott asks nervously.

"No, babe. I just want to see you," Alex tells him.

"I don't want sex either," Scott adds. "Okay?"

"Scott, I just want to see you-" Alex laughs. "Besides, my roommate is here so we can't do anything."

"Okay. I'll be over in a few minutes," Scott says before hanging up on him. Scott takes his time to get ready before going over to Alex's dorm.

Alex opens the door as soon as Scott knocks.

Scott looks up and smiles at him. "Hi Allie,"

"Hi baby. Come in," Alex says. He kisses Scott once before letting him inside. "I'm glad you came over."

"Of course. Hi Mario," Scott waves at Alex's roommate.

"Oh, hey Scott..." Mario smiles at him.

Alex and Scott get settled down on Alex's bed. Alex is playing video games while Scott is on his phone to keep himself entertained.

Scott had redownloaded snapchat and twitter, though he instantly regrets it when he starts seeing pictures of Mitch all over his timeline with other boys at clubs. He starts getting jealous. Clearly Mitch had moved on and that hurt Scott.

Scott decides to get on snapchat and film him and Alex.

"Allie, will you take a snap with me?" Scott asks, looking at the camera.

"No, fuck off," Alex snaps, clearly focused on the game.

Scott pouts. "Will you kiss me?" He asks.

Alex instantly leans over and kisses him.

Scott giggles and stops filming. This will surely make Mitch jealous. He doesn't know what else will.


"You have got to be fucking kidding me," Mitch grumbles as soon as he sees Scott's snap.

"What's wrong, babe?" Esther asks as she looks over at Mitch. They were currently at Mitch's house and were talking about plans for another album or single.

"He's really back with Alex?" Mitch says as he shows Esther the snap of Scott kissing Alex.

Esther sighs. "They're going to the same college. Alex must of talked to Scott or something. I mean, it's been weeks. Scott's probably one of those people that don't do well with loneliness," she tells him.

"Well, yeah... but, Alex? After everything Alex did to him Scott is just going to go back to him," Mitch snaps. "He's such an idiot."

"You should have talked to him or something,"

"It's too late now. They're already together," Mitch mumbles. "Were in separate states..."

"Maybe you could visit Scott and talk to him," Esther suggests. "I'm not saying you have to get back with him but maybe just talk to him. Talk him out of being in a relationship with Alex. Scott will listen to you."

"I don't know. I don't want to go to a college where there are probably fans everywhere," Mitch sighs. "You know I hate being mobbed."

"Talk to Kirstie?"

Mitch laughs loudly. "Yeah fucking right,"

"Ugh. I'll talk to Kirstie and set something up. You need to talk to Scott before things get bad. We all know how Alex is. He's dangerous. I know you still care about Scott-"

"Of course I still care about Scott," Mitch sighs. "We'd still be together if he didn't leave," he says. "I love him more than anything and I would hate to see him get hurt because of Alex."

"So go see him and talk to him," Esther says.

"I can't believe I'm really doing this," Mitch mumbles.

But Mitch will do anything to keep Scott away from Alex.

more than just a fan. (scomiche au) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now