twenty eight.

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It's the next morning when Scott gets a surprise visiting from his two sisters.

"Lauren! Lindsey!" Scott gasps as soon as they walk into his hospital room. "Oh my gosh-"

Mitch smiles as he watches Scott's reaction, knowing how much he missed them. It's been quite a few months since Scott last saw them, and he didn't even get to spend much time with him.

"Scotty," Lauren hugs Scott first and then Lindsey hugs him.

"We came as soon as we heard that you were in the hospital. Alex did this again?" Lindsey asks.

Scott flinches but nods. "It's complicated... I-I don't want to talk about A-Alex," he mumbles.

"Okay. How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?" Lauren asks.

"I'm a little sore in like my arms and my head hurts a little bit but I just took some meds a few minutes ago so the pain should go away soon," Scott assures.

"That's good. I can't believe you're in the hospital," Lauren frowns.

"Don't worry. I'm alive and that's all that matters to me," Scott smiles at them. "Alex is in jail..."

"Thank God. You should sue him for everything he's done," Lindsey says.

"No. I don't want to go through that. I just want to forget this ever happened and move on," Scott sighs.

"Understandable. But, don't you want justice?" Lauren asks.

"Alex is in jail, where he belongs... that's enough justice for me," Scott says.

Mitch bites his lip and gently rests his hand on Scott's shoulder, gently rubbing it.

Lauren glances at Mitch's hand and then she looks up at him. "So, are you two back together again? Last time I saw you on TV you said that you weren't seeing anyone," she says. "Scott told us you broke up."

"We did break up a few months ago because Scott wanted to go to college, but... we're working on it. We haven't talked about it but we both know what we want-"

"There's a lot of stuff that I have to deal with first. I'm thinking of moving to L.A with Mitch," Scott says.

"But, what about college?" Lauren asks. "I thought you wanted an education?"

"I finished high school and I have a diploma. College is too much for me right now," Scott shrugs.

"As long as you're happy with the decision that you make," Lindsey gives him a reassuring smile.

"I think L.A will be good for me. There's really not much for me in Texas anymore and L.A is the place to be if you want to start a singing career. That's how Mitch got started. He told me all about it," Scott grins.

"That's right. It takes a lot of work but you'll get there. I still owe you that EP so,"

Scott gasps as he looks over at Mitch. "You don't have to..."

"I want to," Mitch smiles and gently kisses his forehead. "It's the least I can do."

Scott blushes and then he looks back over at his sisters. "Do mom and dad know that you're here?"

"No. We told them that we were gonna visit an old friend in Texas and they believed us. We asked if they could babysit Landon for me though I wish I could have brought him. You would love Landon," Lauren says.

Scott shrugs. "Mom would kill you if she found out I was anywhere near him," he mumbles sadly.

"Landon is my son, and if I want him to meet his uncle then I'll let him," Lauren huffs. "Mom and dad just need to get over the fact that you're gay and start acting like real parents."

"It's fine. It's like Mitch said before... I don't need people like them in my life,"

"You said that to him?" Lindsey asks, looking at Mitch.

"I-I just meant... they're his parents, but they don't want anything to do with him. Scott doesn't need people in his life like that if they're just going to make him feel bad," Mitch says. "I didn't mean to offend you."

"No, it's fine. I understand what you mean," Lindsey says, waving him off with a hand.

"So, how did you guys find out that I was here?" Scott asks.

"Kirstie sent us a message through facebook and we knew we had to come immediately," Lauren tells him.

"Of course," Scott chuckles and shakes his head. "I should have known that Kirstie would message you. Did you tell her to message them?" He asks as he looks over at Mitch.

"For once, I did not tell Kirstie to message them," Mitch laughs.

"Oh well. I'm glad you're here. It's nice having some form of family here," Scott smiles.

"So, how long are you in the hospital for?" Lauren asks.

"Probably around... two more days, maybe tomorrow evening if I'm ready enough," Scott says. "The doctor wants to check and make sure everything's okay before I leave."

"I'm sure you'll be just fine. You just take care of yourself and have some time to heal," Lauren smiles.

Scott smiles and instantly relaxes at Lauren's words.

Having Mitch and his two sisters here motivates him to get better. It feels nice to have support.  

more than just a fan. (scomiche au) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now