Made To Prey

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Date 5-13-17

Hey everyone! I know this chapter is late, and I'm sorry for that.

I'll be sooo happy when I get out of school!

Anyway, the picture above says Hallow in a cool design, which if you didn't remember, that's Lucas, Mason, and Jerica's last name.

Word Count: 2663


Chapter 15: Made To Prey

Lucas exits the gym holding hands with Lena. They are both slightly shaken up, although neither of them have admitted it.

It was just revealed that Russel Stitch was murdered last night. There was a long speech given by the Principal about safety and how the students can protect themselves by staying in groups and things like that.

The whole student body was silent for once, unsure how to react to this horrible news.

Students go back to class, 7th hour, but the teachers can tell it's a wasted effort. No one is really listening.


"Do you know anything about it?" Ivie whispers to Adrian when they stop at his locker after the assembly, knowing he'll hear no matter how softly she's speaking.

"No." Adrian answers honestly, knowing that Ivie is talking about the murder. Adrian didn't like Rus at all, but he wasn't going to kill him over it.

And frankly, Adrian was sort of hurt that Ivie would assume that he knew something about this.

"Why would you ask me?" Adrian questions Ivie, wondering if she's about to admit that she thinks he's a crazy psycho killer and they should break up.

Honestly, Adrian's been waiting for something like that for awhile. Adrian knows he's not the most trustworthy guy and he isn't exactly a peacekeeper.

"I was just asking. You could've been out in the woods on a walk." Ivie says with a shrug. "I know you're a night owl and you miss staying up all night."

This statement makes Adrian sort of regret telling Ivie that little fact about himself.

It dawns on Adrian just then that he forgot that Ivie said she's been turning into vine girl at night again. How could Adrian forget that?

"You've had your own problems. Kind of busy with the hunter thing, remember? And the craving a lot of blood thing?" A voice argues in Adrian's head. Adrian wonders if the voice is his conscience. If it is, then it's doing a bad job depicting wrong from right because it's only reminding Adrian of the bad.

Adrian opens his mouth to ask Ivie if she was outside last night, but the warning bell rings to get to class and Ivie hurries away.

Adrian's left with a strong feeling that Ivie knew what Adrian was about to ask.


Lucas changes into workout clothes for football practice. Today is practice, then tomorrow is tryouts. Whoever makes it on the team will get a uniform later.

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