Cold Bagels and Bitter Cupcakes

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Date 5-20-17

Hey everyone! I know I said I wouldn't be able to update today, but here's another chapter!

For the last few chapters, it's been taking me longer than normal to write them, but this one was different!

I stayed up late to write this chapter, so I hope you enjoy it! There's a lot of drama in this one XD

Word Count: 2834


Chapter 18: Cold Bagels and Bitter Cupcakes

There's a knock on Adrian's front door a few minutes before noon the next day on Saturday. Adrian rolls over in bed, hoping he doesn't have to get the door.

Monique should get it.

But Adrian knows that Monique doesn't answer the door because the knock comes again, a bit more persistent.

"Fine! I'm coming!" Adrian grumbles, knowing that whoever's at the door probably won't hear him amd not caring either way.

Adrian trudges to the door, not bothering to put on a shirt to go with his flannel pajama pants and bare feet.

"What?" Adrian asks as he opens the door to find Lucas standing there with a paper bag.

"I see you're in a good mood. I came bearing gifts." Lucas tells Adrian with a grin, holding up the bag of bagels he brought.

"Oh yeah? What do you want?" Adrian asks with narrowed eyes. No one ever gives Adrian gifts without there being a reason, so Adrian is instantly on guard.

"To talk." Lucas replies with a shrug, hoping Adrian will let him in so they can talk about what's going on with Lucas.

Lucas knows that Adrian doesn't really like him, but Lucas needs help from someone who knows about werewolves. Considering the fact that Adrian pretended to be a werewolf for awhile, he must know enough to help Lucas.

"Fine. What's in the bag?" Adrian says as he opens the door wider and steps back to let Lucas through.

"Bagels." Lucas answers as he enters the kitchen with Adrian.

"I'll be back." Adrian says as he disappears down the hall to his bedroom. Adrian grabs a shirt from his closet at random and puts it on, then heads back to where he left Lucas.

Adrian grabs paper plates for the bagels and they sit across from each other at the kitchen table. Lucas pulls the bagels out of the bag and puts them on a plate.

Adrian and Lucas each grab a bagel before speaking. "What did you want to talk about?" Adrian asks Lucas before he takes a bite out of his cream cheese coated bagel.

Lucas looks down at his plain bagel, wondering if he did the right thing by coming here for help. Adrian hasn't been known to be the most sympathetic guy. And even though he has been helpful before, there's no guarantee that he'll help again.

Adrian takes another bite out of his bagel, wondering what's making Lucas think so hard. It seems that Lucas is having trouble forming his thoughts into words.

"I have a question about werewolves." Lucas finally says, glancing up at Adrian's bored expression for only a second before looking back down.

Lucas continues before Adrian can reply to that statement. "How are new werewolves supposed to react to full moons?"

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