2nd chapter of an elephant

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Sooo.....where was I. Oh now I remember,I was about to get shot!

So on with it you say. Well ok.

(Flashback) "oh my God, oh my God, this is bad.OHHH NOOOO!!!!!!"I said as bullets flew past me and the sound of the BANGS nearly made me lose conciousness on it's own, let alone the stress of ALMOST DYING!!! "You all should really put those sticks down now!"I yell over the raging sound of the machine guns being fired my way. They must not have heard me. "Please put the sticks down, or else I will have to use force!" I yell again. Then suddenly the sounds stopped,and made me fear the worst, they might be setting up an ambush right when I'm not expecting it, oh I will be expecting it.

I thought as I popped my head out from the soothing cover of my favorite tree.

As I looked around like the 3 ton ninja I am, I noticed another car right beside the other car that the gunman had. Only this car was making loud sounds and the top of it was glowing red and blue lights.

Ooh, disco party.

I saw the gunmen get into the back of it and heard the man with a shiny star on his chest say something about poaching and that it was illegal. Then they drove off.

The getaway vehicle. They knew they were gonna get a 3 ton butt whooping if they didn't leave. I won I won, at least I thought I did.



Sorry about the long time without an update. My phone was bugging out and wouldn't pull up Wattpad. I had to delete the app then reinstall it which took like 3 hours to do.(thanks Janey). Again sorry and I will try to update more frequently than now.

Word count=314 words.

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