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"Rohama! Rohama!"

My hands desperately fumbled around my bed for a pillow to cover my head. However, I wasn't able to grab one. All of it must be on the floor since I slept like a baby changing position every minute.

The banging continued. It appears like the one knocking aimed to bust my door. It didn't take long when my mom's face materialized in my mind like a hologram screaming my name.

The heck!


The yell was longer than the first one, indicating her annoyance and a warning saying the words: move your butt, lazybone.

I jolted out of the bed, and with eyes still half-closed swung the door open. Lailanie, my mom, stood firm with her plump body facing me directly. Her gaze scrutinized my whole being, like I'm some kind of report material for a thesis.

Jeez! It was so early in the morning. Bet the sun was still warming up to rise.

"Yes, mom?" I managed, suppressing a yawn. My body still ached for sleep. My eyes were tired as well. I glanced at my bed, and it was shining, alluring me to get back and . . .

"Do you know what time is it?" The high-pitched tone roused my somnolent soul making me face her, attentively.

Her pearl-shaped face glowered and the thin brow arched. I hemmed, preparing an excuse to mollify her annoyance.

"Mom, It is not healthy to shout at your daughter especially when the day has just begun. Don't you know that according to the study by psychiatrists at a hospital affiliated to Harvard Medical School, shouting can significantly and permanently alter the structure of the child's brain?" I asked. Some articles were really useful at times like this. But she wasn't really bawling, it was merely a reminder whom I labeled as a lecture just to put up an alibi for myself. I exactly knew why she's here and it's not something I like.

Her expression remained the same, making me realize that my attempt was futile. Uh, be dramatic, Rohama. I wish I can, but I had troubles vocalizing my emotions.

The light brown orbs settled on mine, she stayed still while I groped for words. My mind couldn't save me now. Where was it when I needed it the most? I grinned awkwardly.

"I was asking you about the time. Shouldn't you be taking a shower now?" she asked.

It was the moment where my smile faded away. It's Monday. I have a class but rather than feeling excited about it, I'm more upset that I had to drag myself into that miserable place five times a week. Imagine the torture? Why do I have to be there when I can learn all those things through reading?

"Mom, can I not go today? I'm not feeling well."

Certainly I'm not. Every single day spent there made me sick, more than a stomachache kind of illness. Was it mentally? Was I a troubled kid then? No doubts about it.

"You said that a week ago," mom replied. Her eyes squinted. Did I? One thing I suck at? Lying. I couldn't keep a story straight.

"Young lady, before I think of doing something you wouldn't like, you better get ready. You haven't even finish high school and yet you are too lazy to study? What will you become in the future?" she scolded. Yeah, my mom prioritize education so much. She would scratch everything she had just to send us to school. She has no degree herself, and only an elementary graduate.

Yet, she was a strong and great woman.

Being a single parent was difficult. But no matter how toilsome raising two kids, with only selling vegetables at the market as a means of living was, I never heard her complain.

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