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Pierre waited. Seemed like he was trying to read my first move. I eyed him and when he motioned I started to attack. I striked a couple of times and all he did was defend himself. It was undeniable that he was a great fighter and my chance  of winning fall almost to zero.

Think, Rohama. Hit the vital parts, the nape, the knees or the stomach. Yes I remembered that.

Atleast, Yura's effort to teach me won't fell in vain. I could even hear him lecturing me inside my brain.

And so I begun to deliver blows directed to the weakest body part. Despite of such effort, I only managed to get his knees—which didn't hurt him that much.

"Splendid!" Pierre commented. I could have celebrated for such remark but I am not even an inch closer to my goal—to escape.

I was taken aback because of the sudden aggresiveness he displayed. This time, he was the one attacking continously, with the same force which almost knocked me down.

Such a great strength! I panicked when I realize what he was trying to do. There was a big tree behind me and his strikes were taking me exactly there!

Sheesh! This couldn' t go on. I'll get trap!

But what could I do? The pounding were heavier that my kness couldn't even cope with the pressure.

I'll risk.

This was my last option. When my back hit the trunk, I bend down with all my might and targeted his both knees. It was something he didn't expect so I took that opportunity to  run.

Whoa! That was close! I couldn't believe I did that!

But my victory fell short when I stumbled down. He hit me lightly from the back and I lost my balance. Gosh! This is gonna hurt!

I hugged the ground like I own it.

My body turned slowly facing the sun's blinding rays. The fact that I stood for a couple of minutes in a fight with Pierre made me smile.

I spit the soil that went inside my mouth. At that moment, Pierre was standing beside me, looking down with a wide grin on his face.  He offered his hands to help me which I gladly accepted.

"I must say, you have shown a great skill, Rohama. The progress is now evident."

"No lie? Cause that just brought me to cloud nine. I am really having a hard time sustaining my energy while learning. And physical combats drains me more than anything!" I stated. I had to admit, the fight was fun.

I was about to say something when a sound like clapping caught both of our attentions.

Yura's face displayed a mix emotion of awe and pleasure.

"I didn't expect that, very entertaining. Sure your moves are raw, Rohama but just a few more time, you will be a great warrior," Yura stated.

Yamiko was also standing near him and he was half-smiling. Like he was proud of my progress. My lips stretched automatically because my heart fluttered with joy.

Both men took their time as they sauntered slowly. Yamiko stood exactly infront of me.

"However, I'm afraid that doesn't free you from your obligation," he stated.

Pierre and Yura made a hearty chuckle while my smiles disappeared  replaced with a frown.

I suddenly felt exhausted. All the actions took a toll on me and my energy wasn't even stable. I fought my drowsiness as Yamiko and I stride back to where we came from.

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