Chapter 2: The Coversation behind the bars

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     The steps up to the long metal doors were steep and terrifying, I almost felt as if I was walking into the penitentiary only to stay and never return. I got up to the guards post and yelled up to them. "Open the gates." They echoed my request to each other as the large gate opened into the holding cells I walked in with two other guards on my sides leading me to where I would be giving Mr.Delarge his overview. I could not fell my limbs the icy stares of worn and evil prisoners cut into my soul like knives and daggers, even for a 3 year detective this was defiantly NOT my forte. 

     "The Delage boy is in room 249-17, are you gonna be alright over viewing alone"? I nodded my head as they walked back down the hallway without another word said, I took a deep breath and pressed fourth to the silent dark room. I took a moment before I opened the door to talk to myself, "He wont be as bad, he has changed, everything will be fine"! I took one more final breath then turned the knob and set foot in the door. "Hello madam". I heard softly echo through the air, "How are you this evening"? I walked over to the table where he sat. He wore a blue pinstripe suit and had shaggy brown hair, he was looking down at the table so I couldn't see his face. I sat my folder down softly and sat down across from him, "Look up". I said with a stern glare. He looked up with a certain attitude of cockiness about him, "His eyes are beautiful". I said to myself "Mr.Deltoid was right he is a master of his craft"!

     I cleared my throat and looked him dead in the face making sure not to show any expression of interest. "I am fine thank you, how has your stay been sir"? He laughed lightly "Funny and cute, I like it"! He winked at me and I turned away not only to show dominance....but also to hide the fact I was blushing bright red. "You never answered my question Mr. Delage". He became serious again and leaned forward, "Well to say the least its been bloody awful, the same thing every day walking in circles, awaiting your death in a small cell, church, it's all just terrible and that's without mentioning the people"! I nodded and wrote some notes down in my journal silently. "And...whats is wrong with the people little Alex"? He grumbled at me and tapped his fingers on the cold rusted table, "I'm stuck in this stripey hole with perverts and killers REAL killers!" "You are a killer as well though yes?" I stated and cocked my head at him. "NO! Mine was an accident i didn't want to kill her we were just kids having fun that's all, I never meant to hurt a soul". I pulled some papers from the file and spread them out along the table, "this is every article of every victim you and your Droogs ever stole from or severely hurt". At this point I was very happy with myself but he was very shocked to see I knew his back-story. "I've studied you for a very long time Alex, you were my main focus back as a trainee". He nodded slowly and looked down "I know i'm a bad man...". He spoke softly and low as if he had died from the inside, "I was young then but i've grown up now...i've changed I swear...". I leaned forward and he looked up at me...with his ice blue eyes which made me smile slightly till my professional side kicked in. "I bet you have alex, you seem to be much more calm now that you've aged". I smiled at him not knowing what i was doing until he did the same, "Oh dear" I said "It slipped out he can see right through me"! He looked at me with his devilish eyes...I had fallen for the killer!

A Clockwork Orange 2: If Alex Never DiedWhere stories live. Discover now