Are you Blind?!

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Farkle's POV:

I could feel my stomach churn at the turn of events being displayed in front of me

Maya and Lucas flirting across from the table in which me and riley have sat

But at the same time, I would never want to wish Maya unhappiness

No matter how unhappy that makes me

Lucas knew I liked her, and Maya knew Riley liked Lucas

But they act as if we haven't been affected

Me and Riley look at each other, obviously tired of the Pda and get up and leave

"Bye Riley..." I whisper

"Bye Farkle..." she whispers back, a small sad smile gracing her usually happy features

She exits Topanga's and I stand outside kicking at a rock

"Where did Riley go?" A voice asks and I swivel around already knowing who it was

"She went home, I'm guessing Pda isn't something she wants to look at while eating a muffin.." I say dryly , sarcasm dripping through my voice

She nodded and mumbled an 'ah'

"Yeah, I'm gonna go, so you can continue whatever you were doing with huckleberry over there..." I say and with that I turn to leave

But I freeze as Maya asks "What's your problem?"

I turn to her baffled "What do you mean 'what's your problem'?"

"I mean, What's your deal, everytime we hang out you get all distant you become this sarcastic quiet guy who glares at me and Lucas every second of the day" She states crossing her arms over her chest

I scoff "Oh so now you notice me!"

"See look, your being sarcastic and rude, that's not you..." she says trailing off

I narrowed my eyes "You have a lot of nerve calling me rude, who's the one who's been blatantly ignoring your two best friends over what? Some freak of nature who happens to defy all laws of attractiveness?-"

"Don't talk about my boyfriend like that!" She scolds her face turning red

"'don't talk about my boyfriend like that'" I mock in a high pitched annoying voice

"I do not sound like that!" she responds angrily

"You're so oblivious, you knew riley liked him, why would you do that to her?" I ask my voice growing cold

"I didn't mean to hurt her, it's just that some things turn out differently ok?" she says defesnivley

"No, that was selfish, you wanted happiness and hope so bad, you took it from Riley, and you've been rubbing it on our faces for the past 2 weeks.." I shout

Maya's face turns to shock at the sudden anger in my voice

I have never yelled at her and it hurt to do so but I needed her to know how much it hurt

"what do you mean by 'our faces'" maya asks softly

I look down and into her eyes

"How blind can you be maya?" I ask rhetorically

She stays quiet

"I like you...." I whisper

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" She asks her eyes wide as her volume grew louder

"Tell you?! MAYA I've done so much to show you I like you, but I guess I'm too far down the friend zone for you to notice!" I exclaim getting frustrated

"When have you ever done anything to show me you liked me?" she asks her voice clippy and short, and I could tell she was irritated

"remember how I let you borrow my clothes, and my bed for that time you ran away from home because you were mad at your mom?" I ask bringing up past memories


"I liked you maya, do you think I would have gone through all that just by being your friend? I sat there and hugged you while you cried.... does that not show my emotions for you?!" I shout

"How was I supposed to know!? NORMAL FRIENDS COMFORT YOU WHEN YOU'RE UPSET FARKLE!" She shouts back

"Oh come on! What about that time at the winter formal when, you were upset because your date stood you up, and I went over and gave you this whole speech on how much he's missing out and how beautiful and amazing you are??"

"Farkle, me and riley do that all the time, for god's sake even Mr.Matthew's told me all of that after the winter dance" She says exasperatedly

"How about that time when we had to make a poem about the one thing that amazes us, and I wrote about you...? I wrote so much about how strong, brave, and determined you are, do you know how much guts that took?!" I yell pacing back and forth

"I-I thought you were trying to lift my spirits because I was rejected by James-"

"Man FUCK JAMES! I DID IT BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!" I scream pulling at my hair

Maya gasped at my outburst, and I wouldn't blame her, I almost never curse

"I-I should have known you were serious" Maya says shakily

I look at her, my heart rate still pounding at an obnoxiously high rate

'What do you mean?" I ask looking at her

"At the Christmas party last year, I-I fell asleep on your lap, a-and we were the last ones still up, a-and you whispered you loved me, but I didn't think you were serious..."

"You have to be kidding me..." I groan placing my hands over my burning face

"I thought you were drunk off eggnog or something!" She counters weakly  

" you know how ridiculous that sounds??" I ask finally after a few moments of silence

A few extra seconds of silence she begins to chuckle

Next thing I knew we both were laughing, laughing so hard tears were streaming down our faces

After we settled down and regain our breaths she says "Farkle, I-I'm sorry.... I really am blind...."

"No, I-I should have said something, I could have literally told you to your face... any day for the past 5 years-" But I was cut off short when she leans in and places her lips against mine

It took me a full 5 seconds to realize what was happening and returned the kiss, closing my eyes and taking initiative

I placed my hands on her waist as her arms snake up to my neck

Before she could deepen the kiss I leaned away, guilt immediately settling into my gut

"w-what's wrong?" she asks worriedly

"you're dating Lucas...." I say softly

She smiles at me "No, actually we broke up after the 2nd day, we just thought that if we continued we would be able to get the real emotions out of you and Riley...."

My Jaw slacked at what I was hearing

"Are you serious?" I ask staggering back

"Guess I'm not that blind after all am I?" she smirks and walks off

I shake my head at the information I received and shouted "Wait up!"

And with that I chased after her chuckling at the irony of the events that just played out


Guys! It turns out that my authors note at the end of this chapter didn't save and I am soo sorry!

So I'll just summarize

SO to begin with I would like to thank @wanderingharts for this story idea!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you guys liked it, please comment and vote!

Much love to you all!


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