Im here Always

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Maya's POV:

I looked around me as the group was laughing at some joke Zay was telling

Truth be told, I wasn't in the mood for jokes, nor was I in the mood to be around other people

I smile as they look at me confirming that the story was indeed funny

I took a glance at everyone's position

Riley was sitting close to Lucas, so close she was basically sitting on his lap, while Zay and Smackle opted for a much subtl position where they were sitting close to each other, but Zay's hand was placed steadily on Smackle's knee affectionately

I glanced at me and Farkle to see the uncomfortable gap between us

No, ofcourse me and farkle weren't dating, although I do admit I wish we were

Farkle and I have grown immensely close ever since our group began dating one another

He and I would walk talk about almost anything and everything

He meant the world to me, and I wanted to be happy, with him

But alas nothing ever works out for me

How could I be happy when I found out that my art was considered 'a disgrace to humanity' as the executive put it

She spared me no feelings and bluntly told me everything wrong with my art

Each. And. Every. One. Of. Them

All the insults chipped away at my heart one by one

Art was the one thing I was good at....what else could I possibly be good at to get into a college?

I certainly am no genious, and Farkle is no miracle worker to be teaching me so much for very little time

We only had 2 weeks of school left

And I still don't know what I'm going to do

I was snapped back into reality only to notice it had grown quiet between the group

I looked around to see everyone staring at me, as if waiting for an answer

"W-what?" I stutter, unsure of the expectant gazes

"Riley was asking about how your art thing is going, with that executive and stuff" Zay says filling me in on the question

I could feel my throat get dry

"I-It-its going, umm pretty great, yeah good stuff...." I say my voice trailing on

Everyone seemed to buy my response but I could feel the intense stare from farkle

Conversation began once again and everyone was now discussing their future and whatnot

"Maya, can we talk?" Farkle whispers

I look into his blue eyes, scanning him for any emotion


Farkle was always the best at a poker face

I nodded and with that we excused ourselves from the group and walked out of Topanga's

"What's up Farkle?" I ask stuffing my hands into my back pockets

"You trust me right Maya?" He asks randomly

I stared confused at his random question

"o-of course-"

"Then why are you lying....?" he asks cutting my answer off short

I froze

"W-what are you talking about??"

"You're lying about the executive and you're artwork, and I want to know why..." he states crossing his arms

"I don't know what you're talking about" I deny

"Maya, every time we begin to talk about our future you always seem dazed, and nervous, and it obviously has something to do with your art since that's what you want to follow, so tell me Maya what has you so stressed and unhappy about your artwork.....?"

I could feel the tears threatening to spill as I turned away so he wouldn't see but it was too late

"Shit, Maya I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" he began to ramble as he walked towards me grabbing my shoulder but I cut him off with a hug

"She insulted every single one of my art works farkle, I-I don't know what to do, she said it was a disgrace, a shame, and a waste of her time, a-and not only that b-but she's been personally attacking me by emailing me constantly at how bad they are, farkle I don't know what to do....Art is my life and she's insulted it all...I have nothing to go to college for I-"

"Shhhhhhh" Farkle shushes me from my rambling, hugging me even tighter if that was possible

I sniffled and breathed in the scent of his distinct cologne

I could feel my heartrate slowly go back to a regular pace and that's when I released myself from his embrace

"Maya, why didn't you ever tell us? Why didn't you tell me?" Farkle asks, his voice cracking at the last question

"Y-you guys were so proud of me, and so supportive, it was embarrassing..." I mumble

"Maya, one hater doesn't do anything, someday your art will be well known around the world, and she will remember bashing you and feel so bad, she'll try anything to get you to work for her, but it'll be too late cause you've found something better... don't let her be the one to judge your artwork, there are so many more people in this world with better taste, and better hearts...." He says looking me straight in the eye

The intensity of his words made my stomach churn and my face heat up

"And I want you to know, that you should never be too embarrassed to talk to me about anything, because I'm here, always..."

I wrapped my arms around him in another embrace feeling a blush tint my cheeks as I pulled away

But not before he kissed my forehead and whispers "I'm always here for you..."

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