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Kate collapsed onto her knees. The pain was unbearable. She screamed in agony, but it was not her voice. It was a screech, not capable of a human. A black serpent-like creature corrupted her, it lunged at headmistress and consumed her. The darkness grew, and the entire orphanage was soon engulfed. Kate could not control it. But it used her energy. Her eyelids grew heavy, the room began to spin around her. She collapsed and blacked out.

When she awoke, it was early morning. Although she had slept almost an entire day, she still had almost no energy. She looked around the orphanage. Or, what was left of it. The walls were crumbled , along with the roof. The other children were long gone. The only body there besides Kate was headmistress. She lay 2 meters beside Kate. Dead. Black veins were covering her body. Kate realized what she had done. She ran. She ran as far as she could. When she stopped running she walked. When she regained strength to run, she continued.

By the time she stopped completely it was dusk. Although she ran far, she could hear police sirens in the distance. Probably at the old orphanage. Kate stepped into an alleyway and sat down, leaning against a wall. Around the corner she saw the silhouette of two people, both dressed peculiarly.

Kate could hear their conversation. "Looks like an Obscurial attack" "no! That's impossible! There hasn't been one since that one kid in New York." "Maybe we should owl a professional, ya know? Let them know what's going on." "Okay, I'll go home and send a letter right away."

Kate thought they were talking nonsense "Obscurial?" sending owls? That's ridiculous! That was the last thing Kate thought before drifting off to sleep.

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