The Body Pt. 2

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Song – Help! By the Beatles


Lee's POV

I sat looking through some old boxes full of dress up clothes with Lucas and Dustin. Mike and El walked in and El looked like Mike just did her makeup. Dustin handed her the clothes and wig. Eleven went into the bathroom and changed as the four of us stood in the hallway waiting. "Can you tell us what happened, in the upside down?"Mike asked. I nodded and explained everything, how it felt, smelled and looked.

"So you fell through a tree?"Mike asked, I nodded and Lucas looked at me skeptically. "Do you think you could find it again? If we took you there?"Dustin asked, "it was so dark I was running for ten minutes before I got to where they found me"I said looking down. Mike was about to say something when El walked out, "you look-" "pretty"Mike said cutting Lucas off. I smiled at mike mentally awing, El smiled and mike quickly said "Pretty Good" as if to cover up his now obvious crush.

As El walked to the mirror to see herself she smiled and said "pretty...good"she said before looking at mike and smiling.

El road on the back of Mike's bike and I road on the back of Dustin's, we soon reached the school and Dustin got off and held his hand out. I giggled and took it before sliding off, "thank you my good man"I said letting go of his hand. He smiled and we walked in.

"Remember if anyone sees you look sad"Mike said as we came nearer to the room where it was. Mike tried to open it but apparently it was locked, Lucas tried too and then Mr.Clarke found us. "Hey kids, how're you holding up ?"he asked as I slowly hid behind Dustin and Mike, he continued to talk to them and after a few minutes we started walking to the gym.

"I'll be waiting by the heathcam"I whispered to Dustin, he nodded and I walked back to the room and sat by the door. I slowly fell asleep, for the fist time since the hospital, while waiting for the boys.

Today was my little brothers twelfth birthday and we're going to Hawkins to visit our uncle, my Dad's older brother. I had my Walkman on my lap and was listening to my playlist when my brother tapped me shoulder, I pressed the pause button and took my headphones out.

"Yeah?"I ask, "can I listen?"he asked. I smiled and took my headphones off my neck and handed them to him. I hit the play button and he smiled, "I love this song!"he said loudly. I laughed as he listened to Sweet Dreams by, Eurythmics.

My parents laughed as Jackson and I sang, "sweet dreams are made of these who am I to disagree! I traveled the world and the seven seas Everybody's looking for something!"we sang. Suddenly a pair of bright headlights shined brighter brighter and before I could tell my father something rammed into the side our car.

I snapped awake and saw Dustin bending down and looking at me "you awake?"he asked, I nodded and he helped me up. We walked into the room and El was sitting at the desk in front of the heathcam. "Now what?"I ask as Mike turned it on, "she'll find him"he said, after a few minutes we heard static, "She's doing it she's finding him"mike said. "This is crazy"Dustin said, calm down she just closed her eyes"Lucas said.

The light above us turned off and the four of us gasped, suddenly we heard a clanging noise that sounded like someone slowly banging on a wall or door. "Mom?"we heard Will said over the heathcam, I gasped and Lucas said "no way". "Mom? Please"Will said weakly, "Mom?"Will said a bit louder. "Will!"Mike and Lucas yelled as mike pressed the button on the speaker, "Will! It's us we're here!"Lucas yelled. "Will can you hear us!?"Dustin yelled. "Will its us!"I yell.

"Mom!?"Will said louder, "Will we're here! we're looking for you!"I yell tears filling my eyes. "Why can't he hear us!?"Lucas asked annoyed, "I don't know!"mike said frustrated. "Mom! Mom"Will said the last part sounding relieved, "Mom it's coming!"Will said "its like home but it's so dark, so dark and empty and it's cold!"he said sounding even more scared. "Mom! Mom!"he said terrified, tears fell down my cheeks as I listened to my terrified friend.

"Mom!"we heard him say before sparks came from heathcam and it caught on fire. Dustin quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher and sprayed the heathcam. "El are you okay?"Mike asked, She looked drained, very drained. We put her on a cart and went to the parking lot, I helped Mike get El on his bike. "Go straight home and don't do anything stupid"I said, Mike nodded and the three road off.

I heard a car pull up and someone walk over, I knew it was my uncle. I stood up and looked at him, I instantly hugged him. "What you said about Will"Hop said as we walked to his truck, "did you mean it? When you said he wasn't dead"he asked. I nodded "I think I'm starting to believe you"he said, I smiled and he looked at me surprised. "That's the first time I've seen you smile in days"he said before we drove off.


We went to the coroner and my uncle used the excuse of forgetting his hat to get in, "hey O'bannon wants you back he says it's some kind of emergency"Hop said looking at the cop out side the door. "What? I don't work with O'bannon"the cop said, "okay"my uncle said while making a weird face before punching the guy and knocking him out.

I chuckled and looked at my uncle in amazement and proudness as we went into the other room. He looked in one of the cooler things then in the one under it before pulling out a body. Hop removed the sheet to reveal what looked like a lifeless Will. I gasped quietly as I looked at him or rather it. I held out my hand and touched its cheek. I gasped and pulled my hand back, "rubber, the skin feels like rubber" I say looking up at him.

Hop sighed looking at the fake Will, "your sure it's not him"he asked looking at me. "Absolutely"I said, He nodded and sighed before saying "okay" and getting his Knife out and cutting the fake Will open to reveal stuffing. We looked at each other in confusion.

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