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(Yoonmin's POV)

I woke up from the nightmare. I could feel myself sweating like never before and my breath was unsteady. When I got to my senses, I felt my hands tied up behind my back. My legs as well. I had a blindfold so I couldn't see a thing. I was laying down somewhere. It felt like a car seat. Indeed, I was in a car.

"Oh, you're awake." I heard someone say.

"W-where am I? Who are you?!" I asked, confused as never before.

"Oh don't worry Minhyuk.. I'll take you to your beloved Dohyun right now."


I was silent the whole car ride. When we got to where supposedly Dohyun was, they pulled me out the car and carried me somewhere.

Someone else untied my from my hands and my feet as I was being carried. I heard somewhere open a door ut i still couldnt see shit.

No One's POV ||

They put Minhyuk down on his feet. He tried running but he felt a bunch of hands pulling him back.

He felt someone give him something in his hand. He was about to speak until he felt a hand in his mouth. 

"Shh. You're not allowed to speak. What you're holding is a gun. You have one option." A raspy voice whispered into his ear.

N-no..... T-that was just a dream.... it can't be true...

"1................or 2. These are your choices...." The voice chuckled. 

"W-why are you doing this?" Minhyuk began to cry silently while shaking.

Then, someone slapped him making him scream in pain. "I SAID YOU CANT TALK! NOW CHOOSE A GOOD DAMN NUMBER!"

Now, He was sure he didn't have a choice.... he was taking too long to answer, until he heard a sigh.

"One of the choices is not bad jimin. One of them is not a person. If you choose the right number, you and your loved ones are saved. And if not, we will shoot both things." they laughed.

Minhyuk, being too naive, unfortunately, believed him. "O-One....."

Silence followed after his words. but not for long.

"Now Shoot" The voice whispered.

Minhyuk raised his arms. Both hands holding the gun. He got ready. He felt someone help him point into the direction where one  was at. And finally, Shot.

A loud bang was heard and Minhyuks ears ringed. Even though he was still blindfolded, he never imagined he would ever fire a gun before. 

He suddenly heard a chuckle. "Bad choice Minhyuk....."

The younger, scared and shaking, panicked at those words. He didn't want to believe he killed a person...

"W-what are you talking about?!!"Minhyuk quickly dropped the gun.

"Yah....... you killed a person..." The same person who has been torturing him all along laughed making the younger shake even more.

He felt bad. More than that, He felt like he deserved dying for real now.....

"W-who....." His voice cracked as he fell to his knees.


Kim Dohyun...."


I am trashhhh!!!! ive been sad these days, idk why :/ , i hope this pic cheers chu up -p.hs

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