2 months laterYoongi had already introduced jimin to his friends, but they had agreed in not telling yoongis friends that they were dating or that jimin was pregnant or a hybrid. They were all currently sitting in the living room. Yoongi and Jimin next to each other and next to jimin was SeokJin, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Hoseok next to Yoongi.
"So Yoongi, truth or dare?" Hoseok asked excitedly.
Yoongi thought for a minute before sighing. "Truth."
Hoseok frowned. "Aw okay....hm.... are you dating someone?"
Jimin and yoongis eyes widened but they played it cool quickly. Jimin became slightly red all of the sudden.
"Yes." Yoongi said with no emotion.
SeokJin started screaming like a little girl. "OMO! Who who who who?!! Tell us tell us!!"
Yoongi made an annoyed face. "Yah stop screaming! I won't say since you only get one question horseface. Also, jin, you sound like an owl." He rolled hisc eyes
"Okay okay chill. Jimin, truth or dare?" Jungkook asked trying to move on from yoongis insults.
Jimin looked at him. "U-uh....d-dare?" He said a bit confused on how the game worked.
"Are you asking or telling me?" Jungkook raised a brow.
"Um t-telling you...." jimin mumbled clearing his throat.
Jungkook just chuckled. "Haha okay. Hm... I dare you to..." he suddenly smirked.."Sexually make out with Yoongi."
Everyone looked at Jungkook shocked.
"Wow where did this side of Jungkook come from?" Namjoon chuckled.
They all turned to Jimin and Yoongi with wide eyes. Jimin then turned to Yoongi.
"U-uh..." he gulped
Yoongi noticed how nervous Jimin was so he leaned in Jimin ears.
"It's okay baby. Don't worry. But.... if I'm not pleased well, I'll punish you after.." he whispered
Jimins eyes widened. Yoongi just chuckled.
"L-let's just get this over with." Jimin mumbled.
He got closer to Yoongi while yoongi just sat still, teasing Jimin. They both leaned in slowly. The others watched excitingly making little girl screams. After a few seconds, yoongi and Jimins lips touched. The kiss was slowly getting heated that they even forgot there were people watching them. Jimin gripped on yoongis shoulders and yoongis hand went up to Jimin hair and tugged on it hardly. Yoongi asked for entrance into Jimins mouth and Jimin gladly accepted. Their touches fighting for dominance inside each other's mouth. Jimin started moaning loudly when Yoongis right hand went down to to his pants. He put his hand inside Jimins boxers and started rubbing his hard dick. Jimin broke the kiss and placed his head on yoongis shoulder breathing heavily.
"Aaa-ahhh! Y-Yoongi... d-dont stop.." jimin moaned as his ears started to twitch
They both started kissing again. Yoongis thrusts on Jimins dick where faster every second.
"Scream my name baby. Let me feel how much pleasure I'm giving you." Yoongi whsipered on jimins ear
With those words Jimin reached his limit. "A-AH Y-Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi FUCK YOONGI!!!!!"
With that Jimin came inside his pants and all over yoongis hand while panting heavily. Sweat dripping down jimins forehead. Suddenly they heared clapping and fake crying. Yoongi and Jimins eyes widened as they didn't remember that they were being watched.
"Well this isn't awkward at all......" yoongi mumbled.
To be Continued
Omg even I was excited lol. Smut next chapter 😉 - p.hs

ᏟᎡᎪᏃᎽ [ʏᴏᴏɴᴍɪɴ]
أدب الهواةMin Yoongi (22 yrs old) has been working in a Mental Hospital for 2 years. He knows every patient expect for one....Park Jimin (19 yrs old)......until he got assigned to take care of him because no one could handle with him..... 🔞Contains strong la...