The Happenings of After

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Once upon a time, there was a princess. Isn't there always a princess? She fell in love and lived happily ever after. Blah blah blah. The end. But what happened to her after? Does anyone really know? Yeah, the story goes that she lived happily but no one actually lives their life without any problems or drama. That's not realistic but then again, nether is a mythological creature falling in love with a human, making a deal with a jealous octopus lady without reading the define print, becoming a human for three days, turning back into a mermaid, almost destroying the whole ocean, fighting said jealous octopus lady, and then finally turning back officially into a human and marrying the human that started it all. With all that chaos, something must come next. Right?

Now before I tell you this tale, I must warn you. My opinion may be a tad bit biased to this story. After all, it is based off my parents. Wait, does this information shock you? That the mermaid and human had a hybrid child? Yeah, they don't tell you about that on Disney. They're decent parents for the most part and their love stretches further than the land and sea combined! But like any somewhat normal couple, they weren't always happy.

For example, one day after I had just turned nine years old, the castle was having a huge party to celebrate mom's birthday. At the time, I didn't know we were actually celebrating her tenth year, as being a human. This was before I even found out about mermaids and life under the sea.

But I remember that day like it was yesterday and not fifteen years ago. The air smelled like vanilla and strawberries mixed with whole wheat and fresh sand. Hundreds of people mingled around talking, laughing, or waltzing to the violin streaming from the corner of the ballroom. I didn't know any of those people but my dad did. He moved around the room in a way that looked as if he was doing his own dance, greeting people and asking them questions about their lives. I once asked him how did he remember all those names and what was going on with them.

He said, "As a ruler, you have to know who you are ruling. We oversee these people. They count and trust in us. One day, you will have to do the same." I remember hoping that day never comes.

Anyhow, the celebration was flourishing nicely and I was getting high off the energy and stuffed from fudge biscuits. It was almost time to give the toast but my mother was nowhere to be found. Of course, as a curious kid, I went to search for her. I ran passed all the guest and towards our spiraling staircase. I felt like I was flying from the sugar burning in my pores. The endless hallways were barely a blur in my vision. In no time at all, I was at the large oak doors of my parents' bedroom. I twisted the cold, gold knob and yanked the door open as quickly as I could. I wasn't strong back then so it barely moved a crack, just wide enough for me to slip through.

"Mommy," I had called out, "Where are you?"

I heard a loud sniffle from the bathroom, quickly followed by the softest cries I had ever heard. I slowly creeped to the bathroom where the door was wide open and saw my mother curled around the tub full of water. Tears poured down her face while she moved her right hand in and out of the water, creating mini spirals. I watched her for a moment, not sure what to do or say.

I slowly walked behind her and said, "What's wrong mommy?"

She jumped as if she was caught doing something sinful. She quickly wiped her face with the back of her hand.

"Oh Melody. I didn't see you. How long have you been standing there?" She opened her arms to me and I immediately hugged her back. We sat there for a while, just breathing each other in.

Eventually, I looked up at her and said, "Why are you sad Mommy?" She smiled at me without really looking at me. She stroked my long black hair, same as my dad's, with a faraway look in her dark blue eyes that are identical to mine. I stroked the ends of her vibrant red hair because usually that would make her smile but this time it didn't.

"I was only a few years older than you when I meet your father. I thought he was the most beautiful creature in the whole wide world. But then again, I used to think everything about humans was beautiful back then" A tear falls down her check but she quickly wipes it and continues, "I hated where I was from and I felt stuck there like I was suffocating in water," She snorts, "So, the first chance I got, I left. But back then I thought this life was going to be amazing. I didn't realize how much I would miss my family or how I traded one set of responsibilities for another, so fast." She looks down at me and actually sees me this time, "Some parts are good but I think I went from one cage to another one. This one on land though."

I looked at her in confusion. She never talked about her family or her past before. I wasn't sure if I should be delighted at her opening up or fear it, since it had made her so upset.

"What do you mean Mommy? Do you not like living here?"

"Of course, I do sweetie. I have you and Daddy and that's all I need. It's just sometimes I wonder," she pauses and looks away, "what if I stayed?" She wiped at her face again, gave me a kiss on my cheek, and stood us both up.

"Let's go join the rest of the party. I can't be late any more than I already am to my own party. Want to stuff our faces with fudge biscuits?"

Instantly I forgot all about the last few minutes and my little body filled with pure excitement. "Yes! Let's go."

That night we joined the rest of the celebration and laughed and danced with all the guest. My mother's bright happy smile made me think she was okay so I forgot about her crying in the bathroom. I wish I had said more to her or tried to push her to talk more about her past back then. Maybe things wouldn't have gone the way that they did later. But at the time, I was too young to understand how deep her sorrow was and that she was just wearing a mask in front of everyone, including me. I don't think even my dad knew how depressed mom was. He was usually so busy keeping up with everyone else, he never thought to keep up with her. She was just always cheery- and sometimes quirky- Queen Ariel to everyone. It wasn't until a few years later that I discovered the secret of my mom's past. That's when everything changed.

Until another once upon a time...     

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