Chapter XIX: The Mole

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Tyrell had to be very careful with Identifying the mole and making sure his Inner circle were the only ones that knew. His inner circle is Aniyah, Chris, and max because he discovered it.

Aniyah: Who do you guys think it is

Chris: I have no idea but lets lure him out

Tyrell: how exactly do you do that

Aniyah: We watch everyone see how they react to different things.

Tyrell: I think I know exactly who it is

Chris ,Aniyah and Max: Who?

Tyrell: John

Chris: really? What makes you say that

Tyrell: Ok when we got here John was all I'm running the show I'm in control don't do nothing without me but the second that we have a mission he's nowhere to be found and someone was blocking Max from tracing the call where was he. He also has a motive he probably hates the idea of me being in control so why not help my mother Kill me.

Max: He has a point

Aniyah: What do we do from here

Tyrell: let's lure him out into the open

Chris: I think I have a plan we'll discuss later if John notices how long were in here he'll know somethings up.

Aniyah: I'm headed to my room soooo see ya

Tyrell: Hey Aniyah wait u

Aniyah: wassup Tyrell

Tyrell: I wanted to know if you wanted to have dinner sometime you don't have to say yes

Aniyah: I'd love too

Tyrell: I'll get you tonight at 8

Aniyah: Sounds good.

After a few hours went by it was time to put their plan into action. Was it going to be a successful plan well they didn't know. They weren't going to know until they tried. The plan was officially in motion.

Chris: Alright everyone listen up, David was killed because he was a dead end and tried to blow up the facility from the inside out.

Tyrell: His death was for the best alright everyone get back to work.

Chris and Tyrell headed back to the soundproof main office.

Tyrell: Aniyah you in position

Aniyah: Yup I'm here

Aniyah was hiding in the vent to Johns room.

John eventually came back to his room to call Victoria

Aniyah: Ok Tyrell he's getting on the phone.

Victoria: You better have good news

John: Ma'am I regret to inform you that your son is dead

Aniyah: Its your mother Tyrell move in all agents move in

Zachary: John put your hands in the air and place the phone down slowly please.

Tyrell walked in the room and he couldn't help but gloat. Even tho the battle wasn't over he just had this overwhelming joy in his heart. Tyrell picked up the phone

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