Don't forget

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Demi's POV.

After leaving the voicemail, i couldnt stop crying i needed her to tell me she loves me and to have her arms wrap around my waist , and love me , but she's not .

I quickly took out my phone and clicked on marisa's number

-" Hello? demi? are you ok???!!"

-"Marissa i need you , please come over ."

-"Ok demi hold on .. calm down , ill be there as soon as i can."


Marrisa finnaly arrives


Demi's POV still

-" So what happened demi?, i've never seen you like this not even when it was the worst of times."

-"I was at the rehab place and i met this girl her name was bella and well , i never told you this because i was afraid you may judge me but , i am bisexual and well this girl was named bella , and i loved her and well the day we were leaving the rehab place she broke up with me and she dosnt want me ."

My voice cracked and i still was crying , i didnt know what to do , it felt like a piece of me was killed and felt like someone ripped the one thing that ment everything to me away.

-" Aww , demi im sorry , and you shouldnt have to keep being bisexual a secret , if people judge you , they can go jump off a cliff, and there a lot and i mean a lot of people that will not judge you, and i love you no matter what , through thick and thin."

I felt a little better , then i felt a vibration and i looked over to see my phone ringing, i picked it up and saw that it was bella, i answered it.

-" Demi?"


my voice cracked.

-" Hey , im sorry , and i really love you , it's just i need time to get stuff finished. I love you and i want to see you , but i think we should see other people for right now."

-" So you pretty much just called me to break up with me again, well bella i love you but you keep breaking my heart , you were the other pieces to this broken heart and now it s shatterd, i dont know what to even say anymore , bye bella hope your happy ."

I hung up the phone and threw it agains the wall , marrisa hugged me and let me just go numb in her arms.

I could hear my demons coming back and as soon as marissa leaves i dont even know anymore.

-"Hey imm gonna stay the night ok?

-"Um.. its ok im ok i just kinda want to be alone right now, thanks for coming over and com--"

-" No , imm gonna stay herw with you and make sure your ok."


I looked over at the clock and its already 11:46 I decided to go take a bath .


I got out of the bath and layed on the bed next to marrisa and tryed to go to sleep but couldnt but i looked over at the clock again and it was already 3:00 , i looked over to marrisa and she was died asleep , i creeped out of the bed and walked to the bathroom and looked at my shaving razer , i droped it on the ground and stomped on it , i picked threw at the broking pieces finding the blade , i picked it up and presed it to my skin, I draged it acrossed leting the pain sink in , and leting the blood flow. i cut my thighs and my legs and my stomach , cutting by to my arms.

I finished and cleaned up the mess i walked out of the bath room just to be meeted by marrisa ,looking at me in a disappointed expresion.

-"Demi? "

Love Me ( Demi Lovato & Bella story)Where stories live. Discover now