A new kind of love

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Demi's POV

I still was shocked from the whole intire incedent , and i didnt know what to do , bella was so inraged and was griping the steereing wheel hard enough that i was scared it was gonna break.

I reached my hand out and put it on her thigh , she flinched and seemed mad at me.

-"Please just ... d-d-dont touch me right now." bella said with anger in her voice.

-" Baby are you made at me??" i felt my voice crack

-" Dont call me that , and ya i am"

-" What did i do, i came to help you , because i was scared and i thought something bad was gonna happen to you , but it seems there was something happining."

-" No demi , you dont understand i know you were trying to help but you only mad it worst, we may have escaped today but tommorow is a diffrent story, he wont stop until i am back in that house."

-" Bab- i mean bella well i didnt know and im sorry i dont regret coming and helping you , i love you , and dont you think we should call the cops?????"

-"NO! , i didnt mean to yell its just if you do that then that will make things even worse. I am just scared that my dad is gonna come after you ."

-" Dont worry , everythings gonna be ok bella i promise ."

-I hope so."


Later that night


Demi's POV.

We pulled into a motel and bella didnt even wait for me to get out of the car she just left, i wanted to cry and all i wanted is to be close to her but she wont let me .

I sat in the car and didnt leave i just sat in there , i didnt want bella mad at me and i didnt want anything else to happen , i felt so hurt and i couldnt help but cry and all i wanted was bella but she was mad at me and she probably hates me.

Bella"s POV.

I was mad and i didnt want to explode on demi but i just couldnt , i pulled into the hotel and didnt wait for her i just really didnt know what else to do , i may lose demi because my dad will come after me and then her and he will kill her and we cant call the cops because he has friends that work in the buisness, and i just cant do this anymore i was gonna lose my life my world, and my life and world is Demi.

I finally get inside and i lay down on the bed and i just waited for demi to come in and fight with me , but she never came.. I got up and i went outside and saw her just siting in the car , i walked closer and could see that she was crying, i didnt mean to maker her cry i just am scared and i dont want to lose her. Im such a jerk and im hurting the one i love.

I walk to the side of the car shes on and i open the door , i kneel down to eye level with her

-" Hey , why aren't you coming in?"

I waited for an answer but never get one , she wouldnt talk to me and i tryed to get her to go inside but she just wouldnt get out of the car she refused .

I started to feel really bad.

-" Come on..... please come inside , i was mad and i didnt mean to take it out on you, but im scared of losing you and my father wont stop until im back with him and i dont know he may come after you and im scared. I love you and thats why i broke up with you in the first place. I didnt want you to see my past and i didnt want you to see the trash i was livimg in."

I started to cry and i got up

-" Im sorry ok? i never ment to hurt you , but fine do what you want."

i walked inside my room and layed on the bed , i cryed and ended up falling asleep

i wake up and look to see demi still hasnt come in , and i feel like i lost her , i walked to the bathroom and looked around for something sharp , i saw that there was a glass ash tray and i smashed that and picked a piece out and i put it to my wrist i slid it acrossed my wrist a bunch of times, and instintly felt better .

i pulled down the sleeves of my shirt and walked back to bed , i fall asleep.


Demi's POV.

I fell asleep in the car and i feel bad about having bella feel so bad but im upset and now i regret it, I get out of the car and walk to the hotel door and slide the card acrossed the scanner on the door and went inside. I crawled into bed next to bella, i wanted to cuddle with her and have her close but i didnt i layed in the bed making sure i didnt touch her and went to sleep.


Bella's POV.

I wake up the next morning and feel something warm on the side of me , i look to see that its demi , i smiled a little but kept my distance, i went to turn over and demi opened her eyes , they were filled with tears , i wiped the tears away with my hand she she holds the hand i have on her face and cuddles up to me , i dont hesitate at all i let her cuddle into me and just finaly start to feel better.

Demi's soft voice starts to talk

-" Baby ? im sorry ." her voice cracked

-"No baby im sorry i just am scared of lossing you but the thing is i thought it would be my dad that makes me loos you but it's not its ME im driving you away and i love you so much i shouldnt have got mad at you and thank you for saving me ."

She was playing with my fingers when she saw something on my sleeve , she looked at me with and angey look she grabed my hand , and pulled up my sleve and she looked at all the cuts.

-"WHY? Baby why did you do this, when did you do this??"

-"Im sorry , i felt like i lost you and i did it last night , i just .. im sorry"

She looked like she understood and she pulled my wrist up to her lips and kissed all my cuts , it stug a little i didnt care i had her bak and thats all that mattered.


Ok Hey everyone so, i don't know ... um.. i MAY update later today MAY but if i dont i proably will tommorow.

Also Omg 100 reads !!!! I am so Happy thank you !!! you are all amazing.


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