The Kidnapping

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Later on that same night Troy and Matt finally dragged Dylan in to an old factory on 2nd Street. "Come on! In you go Dylan!" Troy said pulling Dylan along. Soon a dirty looking man comes down the stairs. He smiles when he sees that Troy and Matt have Dylan in their hands. "Good job boys just put him in a room and we'll deal with him later." Shawn said.The boys nodded their heads and pulled Dylan into one of the tiny rooms. They chained him to the wall. "You'll never get away with this." Dylan said spitting at Troy. "We'll see about that Dylan. Your family will never find you." Troy replied with an evil smile. Troy leaves to go with the others to discuss their plan. Meanwhile at the Hark house Sherrie  and John where walking around trying to figure out how to save Dylan. "How could this be. Derek I thought you were watching him. What happened?" John asked. " We went to this bar downtown after the practice. Soon after we got there thugs came in next thing I new I see two of them taking Dylan." Derek said. That's fair enough. Let's just focus on getting him back." John said. "What's your plan?" Derek asked. "Well I'll notify the guys at the station and get a search party. You go down to the bar and see if there is any evidence." John said. "Sure thing Mr. Hark." Derek said smiling at the sheriff and his wife. Back at the old factory Dylan was struggling in the chains. He started to scream but nobody can hear him. Soon Shawn came into the room. "Well isn't it Dylan Hark. How are you Dylan?" Shawn asked with an evil grin. "What do you want from me?" Dylan asked in fright. He backed away when Shawn came closer to him. "Don't need to be scared Dylan we aren't going to hurt you yet." Shawn said. " What do you want?" Dylan asked more angrily. He struggles more with the chains. "Your not going anywhere Dylan." Shawn said chuckling as he held Dylan back against the wall. Shawn called Troy into the main room. He lets go of Dylan and goes into the other room with the boys. "So, Shawn what do you want to do with the boy?" Troy asked. "I don't know." Shawn answered. "Well you want him for or some reason." Troy said. "Yeah, he has something in him that's valuable." Shawn said. "What is it?" Troy asked.  "It's one of the gems of the three gem Quartz." Shawn answered. Both boys were in shock. " Really I had no idea, I thought you wanted him because he's the sheriff's son." Troy said with shock in his eyes. "Nope he's more valuable then that." Shawn said. "Cool, how long are we keeping him?" Matt asked. "Well we have to cut him open to get the gem out of him. But if he doesn't want to cooperate then we'll have to kill him for it." Shawn said. Troy and Matt looked happy. "We'll let him relax for a few days. Oh, and you two are in charge of feeding him." Shawn said. Troy and Matt agreed. Minutes after their meeting Troy and Matt go to the small room to give Dylan his food. They came into the room Dylan is still trying to break free. "I wouldn't try to break free Shawn will kill you if you do." Troy said. "Shut up and let me go!" Dylan yelled. "Nope sorry Dylan." Troy said with a laugh. "Oh, and heres your food don't want you to starve. We have big plans for you Dylando." Troy said. He set down the plate in front of Dylan and left the room. Dylan started to slowly eat the dinner on the plate. Five minutes later Matt came in and took the empty plate and left again. On the way out he shut off the light and Dylan was left in thought in the dark. At the Hark's house John was on the phone with the station. "OK, thank you so much. Talk to you tomorrow." John said as he hung up the phone. "Everything ok, are they going to help us to try and find Dyl?" Sherrie asked. "Yes, there going to look into the bar that the boys were at last night to find more evidence." John said.

Soon, John gets a call from Daren at the stations. " Hello, John I think we have a location on the van that Dylan was in." Daren said. "Really where?" John asked "At an old Factory on 2nd street." Daren said. "Awesome thank you Daren." John said. "Your welcome buddy anything to get your son back." Daren said. John hung up the phone. "They think they have a location on Dylan." John said happily. " Are they going to go get him?" Sherrie asked. "No, I think Daren's going to hold them back until the right moment." John said. "Well ok, At least we think we know where he is." Sherrie said. "We should call it a night and have people search that area in the morning." John said. "Ok, we got to head out to its getting late." Scott said. "I agree Scott." Jack said. "Ok , boys see you tomorrow." Derek said. Scott and Jack smiled and waved by to Sherrie and John. "Goodnight John and Sherrie try to have a goodnight sleep." Derek said. "We will thank you for all your help tonight guys." John said. Derek and Nick smiled at the two and went up to bed. Finally Sherrie and John went up to bed. They climbed into bed. "John are you sure that Daren will find Dyl tomorrow. I'm getting really worried about him. He's probably nervous and scared right now." Sherrie said. " Don't worry honey he's trying his best. They'll find him and get him home safe." John said. " I truly hope so." Sherrie said. Sherrie and John kissed each other good night and fell asleep. The next morning Dylan wake up with a massive head ache. He looked up he noticed he was still in the small dark room he was in last night.  Soon Shawn comes into the room with a plate of food. "Here's your breakfast Dylan." Shawn said. "When are you going to let me out of here?" Dylan asked angrily. "When I get the gem out of you Prince Dylando." Shawn said. "How do you know about me?" Dylan asked in shock. " Oh trust me I know all about you." Shawn said trying to touch Dylan on his face. "Don't touch me!" Dylan yelled. Shawn was shocked and smacked Dylan across the face. "Don't yell at me Dylan!" Shawn yells back. Dylan fell back into the wall hitting his head off it. Shawn scuffed and left the room. Dylan slowly got up to eat the food on the plate. Moments later Troy and Matt come in. "How are you today Dylan?"  Matt asked "Oh so now you two are concerned." Dylan said getting mad. "Yes we saw what he did to you." Troy said. "Yeah, So." Dylan said. "So, we want to help you. We're going against Shawn." Matt said. "Are you sure?" Dylan asked. "You have our word. Just do what he says and we promise we'll get you out of here in time." Matt said. Matt and Troy were about to leave. "Where are you going" Dylan asked. "We're going to tell your parents so they won't get made at us." Matt said. Dylan smiled at the two. Before Matt and Troy left they gave Dylan something for his banged up head. He smiled at them as they left. Meanwhile at the Hark's house Scott and Jack were over with Daren discussing their plan to save Dylan. They heard a knock at the door. John goes to answer it. He shocked when he saw Troy and Matt standing in the doorway. "What do you want? Where's my son?" John asked pulling the boys inside. "Woah man, hey hey were good now. We're going to help you." Troy said. "How do I know your telling the truth?" John asked. "I'm telling you the truth I made a promise to Dylan I would try to get him out. I do know where he is." Troy said.  "That's fair enough." John said. Derek and Nick padded him down to make sure they head no weapons. "He's good." Derek said. Troy and Matt finally made in to the house. They walked into the kitchen to make a plan of action to save Dylan from Shawn. Back at the old factory Shawn was getting mad he noticed that Troy and Matt weren't there. Soon after they finally arrived. Shawn walked up to them. "Where we're you two?" Shawn asked angrily. "We're just seeing what poor family would take Dylan after we get the gem out of him." Troy lied. "Good now go get Dylan it's time for the torture." Shawn said. The two nodded their heads and went to go grab Dylan. Minutes later they came in with Dylan. "Put him on the table." Shawn said. The boys didn't stall and put Dylan on the table. Then Shawn came up and strapped him down. "Wait what are you doing?" Dylan asked in fright. "You'll see." Shawn said with an evil smile. Shawn then started the torture with the whip. He whip Dylan in the stomach causing Dylan so much pain that he yelped. "Shut him up I don't want anyone hearing him!" Shawn yelled. Soon Troy put tape over Dylan's mouth to stop him from yelling. "That's better." Shawn said. Shawn continued to use the whip on Dylan. He stopped and un strapped him and took the tape off. "Alright your done. Take him back to the room boys." Shawn said. Troy and Matt didn't say anything more and took Dylan back to the small dark room. They were about to leave when they saw Dylan about to cry. "Hey, hey your ok." Troy said trying to stop Dylan from crying. "How do you know you just let him beat me." Dylan said in tears. "We tried Dyl but we didn't want Shawn knowing that we're on your side." Matt said. "It's ok I understand what your trying to do." Dylan said trying to crack a smile. Meanwhile at the station John was at his desk working on the case of his missing son. "Daren are you sure this is where you found the van?" John asked pointing to the black van. "Yes I'm sure I saw three guys getting out and the fourth one must have been Dylan because they were dragging him." Daren said. "Umm, ok keep working on it." John said. "Right away sir." Daren said.  Soon Sherrie calls the station from the house. "Honey I'm at work what do you need?" John asked. "Any news on Dyl?" Sherrie asked.  "Not yet honey we'll let you know when news comes up ok." John said. "Ok, Don't be late for dinner." Sherrie said. "I won't sweetheart I'll see you when I get home tonight." John said. They hung up the phone. Daren smiled at John. " You have a nice looking family John." Darren said. "Thank you what are you looking at?" John asked. "This family picture you have on your desk." Daren said pointing to the photo on the desk. "Oh, that one. I remember when we took that one. Dyl was really happy that day. That was the day he first found his friends Scott and Jack." John said smiling and crying at the same time. "What's the matter John?" Daren asked trying to comfort him. "I miss Dylan I want him back. I just want my son back." John said continuing to cry. Minutes later John stopped crying and continued to work on Dylan's kidnapping case. Back at the factory Dylan was talking to Matt and Troy they were figuring out a plan of action to escape from the place. Matt and Troy also told Dylan about Shawn's plan after they take the gem out of him. "Really that's terrible I really hope he doesn't take it out." Dylan said. "Don't worry Dylan we'll make sure he doesn't touch you . We just got to watch he doesn't catch us." Troy said. "OK, so what are you guys going to do?" Dylan asked. "We'll when the time is right we're going to sneak you out when Shawn is either out or sleeping." Troy said. "How long will that be?" Dylan asked. "About three or four days at the most. But don't worry we'll get you out of here." Troy said. Dylan nodded his head. Soon Shawn came in to the room to bring Dylan his lunch. "What are you boys doing in here?" Shawn asked. "Just talking to Dylan why?" Troy asked. "Because your not allowed to talk to him plus we need to make a plan B just in case our plan doesn't work." Shawn  said. "Fine, we'll see you around Dylan." Troy said. "Oh and if you plan on going against me boys I will make an attempt to kill him." Shawn said pointing his finger at Dylan. Dylan got scared and moved away as far as he could. Shawn left with a evil laugh. Troy and Matt followed Shawn out of the room. The three left the factory and locked the door behind them. "Let's go have lunch somewhere boys." Shawn said. "I'm sorry Shawn but Matt and I have to go home our moms are calling us." Troy said. "Whatever I'll meet you two back here to torture Dylan." Shawn said. "I don't think we should beat him up anymore he's suffered enough already." Troy said. "Do you have feelings for Dylan?" Shawn asked looking mad. "Yes, I just hate to see him hurt. I think Matt and I made a mistake of kidnapping him for you." Troy said. "Fine don't come back here. I'll just kill Dylan tomorrow then." Shawn said. "Your not going to kill him are you?" Troy asked. " No, but I'm going to continue with the plan." Shawn said. "Goodbye good luck with the plan Shawn." Troy said. Soon after that Troy and Matt left to go home to their families. When they arrived their parents weren't happy. "We're have you been?" Patty asked. "Just out trying to help the police find Dylan Hark." Troy said. "Oh so you know what happened. But I saw you kidnap that poor boy two nights ago from a bar." Patty said. "I made a mistake trying being friends with Shawn Heart." Troy said. "Shawn Heart honey he's dangerous." Patty said. "I know that's why Matt and I decided to help Dylan." Troy said. "Good well eat up were going to give the police the evidence that you just told me." Patty said. "Wait mom don't do that then I'll go to jail." Troy said. "Your just going to tell them where they're holding Dylan." Patty said. "That's fine with me." Troy said. "Ok good. I'm glad he didn't hurt you boys." Patty said. "Me to, but I'm worried about Dylan now." Troy said. "I know honey, the police will find him soon." Patty said. "Man I hope they do."  Troy said nervously. "Why honey what's the matter what are they going to do to him?" Patty asked concerned. "There going to smuggle him to a different country and sell him to a poor family to work as a salve." Troy said almost in tears. "Oh, honey don't worry about that the police will catch Shawn before he has the chance to do that." Patty said putting her arm around Troy. "Are you sure?" Troy asked. "I'm sure we're going to down to the station to give them details." Patty said. "Right then let's go mom." Troy said. Mean while at the station John was working out a plan with the officers when Troy and his mom came in. "Excuse me." Patty said. "Yes, can we help you?" John asked. "Yes, my son  knows where they are hold Dylan." Patty said with a smile. "Really?" John said. "Shawn is holding Dylan at the old factory on 2nd street he's got him in a small dark room." Troy said. "Thank you son we will get unites out in that area right away." John said. John smiled to himself for being right about Dylan being at the old factory on 2nd street. Daren comes into the room. "What's going on sheriff?" Daren asked. "This boy and his mom knows where Shawn is holding Dylan we need to get units to the factory on 2nd street." John said.  John goes on to the radio. "All units report to the old factory on 2nd street but wait for my signal to go in. The suspect's name is Shawn Heart he took my sons hostage. I don't want to cause any alarm or they might hurt Dylan . So all units go to that area please. Thank you." John said. "Good now let's go get Dylan back." Daren said. Meanwhile Shawn and two other kidnappers were watching the news. They were shocked that Troy and Matt told the cops where Dylan was. "Police are going to be searching an old factory located on 2nd street for a young boy named Dylan. If you see any signs of Dylan or the kidnappers let the station know. The kidnappers are armed and dangerous so keep an eye out for them." Evan said on the tv. "We go to move to plan B." Shawn said. "What's plan B?" Cooper asked. "Grab Dylan were moving." Shawn said. Cooper and Cole nodded their heads and went to go get Dylan. They came into. The room. "It's time to go Dylan." Cooper said taking off the chains. And binding his hands in rope. "Where are we going?" Dylan asked getting scared. "Keep your mouth shut Dylan!" Cooper yelled.  Cole put tape on Dylan's mouth so he couldn't talk. "There you go DYlly that should keep you quiet for a while." Cole said. They soon got Dylan into the main room. "Ok boys lets getting him out of here." Shawn said. Soon Cole and Cooper grabs on to Dylan and lead him out the door. They held on to him tightly. He was frighten and hoped that he would be saved one day. They got him into the van and drove off into the night. Minutes later police arrived at the factory. "Police open up. Shawn you in there?!" John yelled.  They went inside and saw that no one was around. "Where are you? I know you have my son now give me Dylan !" John yelled again. "Sir come check this out." Daren said pointing to the door of the small dark room. They walked in they saw one of Dylan's shirts on the ground. "John he was here." Daren said. " I know that. That's one of his shirts. He always wears two shirt I don't know why but he does." John said.  "Let's get the dogs in here." Darren said. Soon police dogs came in they're sniffing out the area. Then they went out side. "Hmm. The van left skid marks they must have just left." John said. "John does Dylan still wear the necklace I gave him?" Daren asked. "Yeah, he never takes it off." John said. "Well theres a tracking device on it we can track where he is. I have this app on my phone where I can trace him." Daren said. "Awesome well let's go then." John said. Shawn and his crew made it to a tiny house on a hill. They took Dylan out and lead him inside."There we go they won't find us now." Shawn said. "You two take Dylan to a room upstairs and let him sleep. In the morning we move to the auction in the states." Shawn said. They nodded their heads and forced Dylan up the stairs They put him on the bed and chained him up. "Don't worry no ones going to find you Dylan. Not even your dad or your friends." Cooper said with an evil laugh. They left and shut the door. Dylan tries to go to sleep but he is to scared to fall asleep.

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