The Search Party

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Later that night John and his crew were still getting clues on where Shawn took Dylan. Daren put in the necklace into a compartment and typed in the the code. Soon they saw where Dylan was but it was giving them a hard time. "Something must be wrong with the GPS." Daren said. "Not only that, they might have taken him to a place in the middle of no where." John said "Your probably right John." Daren said. "But that's not a good thing that means are chances of finding him are slim." John said with a worried look. "Don't worry we'll find Dylan." Daren said. John smiled back at Daren hoping that he's right. Back at the Hark's  house Mrs. Hark, Troy  and Matt's mom, Dylan's friends and Derek and Nick where in the kitchen talking about what they should do to help John find Dylan. "So what's the plan?" Scott asked. " I don't know Scotty I'm just going to call my husband and see what's taking him so long to find him." Sherrie said. Sherrie goes up to go to the phone to call John. "John what's taking you guys so long to get Dylan out of that factory?" Sherrie asked getting worried. "Don't worry honey we are trying the best we can. They heard that we were coming so they moved locations. Now we have no Idea where to look." John said in fright. "Ok just do what every you can to get my baby back to me." Sherrie said. "I will honey don't you worry. Heres  what I want you to do. I want you and the others to go to the school tomorrow and get as much students as you can. Any one that really knows Dylan. Get them in to search parties and meet me that at the station. We're coming back with more evidence ." John said. "Ok honey goodbye." Sherrie said as she hung up the phone.  "So what did he say?" Troy asked. "They moved him to a different location. John said we have to go to the school tomorrow to gather search parties so it's easier to find Dylan." Sherrie said. " Ok, we will do that we have school tomorrow anyway." Troy said. "Awesome  good luck tomorrow guys." Sherrie said. "We will and good luck with finding Dylan." Troy said as he left the house. Sherrie then closed the door, went upstairs to bed and fell asleep. It's the next morning and Scott and Jack got up and go dressed. Soon they headed down to the school.When they got there reporters were all over the place. "You must be Dylan's friend. How are taking it? Are you missing him?" One reporter said. "Please no comment. Please leave us alone." Scott said. "Come on give us details on Dylan." He said again. "No, now leave us alone!" Jack shouted. Jack and Scott ran inside to crowds in the hallways. Mrs. Harris saw them and came up to them. "I'm so sorry to hear about Dylan." Mrs. Harris said. "It's ok don't worry about it . His fathers trying to track him back." Scott said. "Is there anything we can do to help find him?" Mrs. Harris asked. "Yes, his dad said to gather up search parties and were going to find him tonight." Scott said. "Ok, well you two better get to class. I don't want you being late." Mrs. Harris said. The two boys nodded their heads and went to math class. They arrived at the classroom. Mr. Jackson was there he looked worried. "Are you boys alright I heard about what happened to Dyl." Mr. Jackson said. "I know were find and they trying their best to find him." Scott said. "Ok well have a seat I'm about to assign the questions for  Math. I know that Dylan has been missing for a few days so he will have to catch up." Mr. Jackson said. "Also I will be giving you his home work so he can do it when he gets back." Mr. Jackson said. Scott and Jack nodded their heads and sat down in their seats. Soon the rest of the class comes in. "Ok, class I know you have all been worried about Dylan. But that doesn't mean that we don't have a regular class today. So we are just going to continue on with what we have been doing in math." Mr. Jackson said. The class groaned and opened their math Questions Mr. Jackson came around and handed out the Math questions. He handed Dylan's Math questions to Scott and Jack. "This is for Dylan when he gets back." Mr. Jackson said. The boys nodded their heads and put the paper in their backpacks. "Once your done that come up her and grab a work sheet, and work on it." Mr. Jackson said. After the students were done answering the questions. They handed it in and took a worksheet. Soon Derek and Nick came in. "Mr. Jackson can we please speak to you out here?" Derek asked. " Sure, kids you stay here and work on that sheet I have to talk to him for a minute." Mr. Jackson said. Mr. Jackson left to go talk with Derek and Nick out in the hallway. Back in the classroom the students were chattering to each other about what's been going on. "Scott, Jack how are you since Dylan ask been taken?" A student asked. "We really don't feel like answering questions right now." Scott answered. "But do you miss him?" He asked again. "Yes we miss him now can you please stop asking questions about Dylan?" Jack asked. Soon Mr. Jackson was back in the room. "Sit down boys and stop asking question about Dylan." Mr. Jackson said. "How do you know that?" Scott asked. "I'm a teacher Scott I know what happens in here." Mr. Jackson said. The class just stared up at him. "Ok, now who's finished that work sheet?" Mr. Jackson asked. The class all raises their hands. "Good that means we can go on to the next thing that I want to teach." Mr. Jackson said. Soon as the boys were finished their math worksheets Billy came up to Scott and Jack. "I really hope you can find Dylando. The king wants to meet him." Billy said. "I know me to. I want to find him to. I miss him already." Scott said. "So how long has it been since he's been taking?" Jeff asked. "About three days at the most." Jack replied. "Oh, that's bad." Jeff said. "Why is it bad Jeff?" Scott asked. "You see if one of us gets kidnapped like Dyl just did, and it's been three days then he's already gone." Jeff said. "We'll find him." Scott said. "Good luck finding Prince Dylando you'll have a hard time finding him after tonight." Jeff said. Jeff and Billy left to go sit back in their seats. Scott looks nervously at Jack. "What do you think they meant by never finding him after tonight?" Scott asked. "Beats me. That means we got to find him by tonight." Jack said. "At lunch I'm going tell the Sheriff what's going on." Scott said. "Good idea. I really hope we can find him by tonight." Jack said. " Me to and I have a strong feeling that his dad and his men are going to find him tonight." Scott said. "Man I hope your right Scott." Jack said looking back at the clock in the room. Soon the bell rang for English everyone was hurrying out of the classroom not bothering to say goodbye to Mr. Jackson. In the hallway Scott and Jack bumped into Matt and Troy . "You better give us back our friend." Scott said getting made at the two." "Woah, there Scott were on your side now. We just came to see how you were since he went missing." Troy said. "We're doing ok, thank you for asking. Any news on him yet?" Scott asked. "Not yet but we're organizing a search party today to find him." Troy answered. "Ok What are we doing?" Scott asked. "We're going to meet Mr. Hark at the station at lunch time." Troy said. "Ok well we better get to English you know how Mrs. Sanders doesn't like us being late all the time." Scott said. Troy and Matt smiled at the two boys and they walked to English class together. As they were walking to English Troy turned to Scott . "Sorry about bullying Dylan earlier this week. I don't know what came over me." Troy said. "Don't worry about it." Scott said. "Yeah, don't worry about it lets. Just pray that he doesn't get killed or badly hurt." Jack said. "Yeah, that would be hard to deal with if anything bad happened to Dyl." Matt said. They finally made it to English they sat in their seats and waited for Mrs. Sanders to come in. When she came in she handed the questions out from last nights reading. "Has anyone seen Dylan Hark?" Mrs. Sanders asked. "He was kidnapped three nights ago Mrs. Sanders." Scott said. "Oh, I had  no idea I hope we find him soon. He's going to have a lot of homework. But I'll go easy on him." Mrs. Sanders said. "Thank you for understanding Mrs. Sanders." Scotts said. "No problem I know you must be going through a tough time with out Dylan. I know you to are great friend." Mrs. Sanders said. "We're great friends." Jack added. "Right your great friends." Mrs. Sanders agreed. Everyone began to do the questions from last nights chapter except for Scott and the others. They didn't get the chance to read the chapters before either so they had a lot of catching up to do.  " Mrs. Sanders can we get the home work and stuff for Dylan when we find him?" Scott asked. "Of course you can. I'll leave it on my desk and you can pick it up on your way out to lunch." Mrs. Sanders said. Scott smiled at  Mrs. Sanders and continued to forces on the book. Minutes later Matt and Troy came up to them. "What are we going to do? We need to get Dylan back some how." Troy said with concern. "I know I miss him to much. I hope nothing bad is going to happen to him." Scott said. "So what do we do?" Matt asked. "Well, we can go with one of the search parties here at school. Their leaving at lunch." Scott said. "I surely hope we can find him before something really bad happens." Jack said. "I know, me to. But we got to hope for the best and keep trying to find him." Scott said. Mrs. Sanders came up to them. "Why are you guys not doing your work?" Mrs. Sanders asked. "We just miss Dylan that's all trying to find a way to get him back." Troy said. "I don't believe you Troy I remember last week you were calling Dylan a teacher's pet." Mrs. Sanders said. "I know but we changed we want to help them look for him." Troy said. "Well alright but please get back to work. You can work and talk at the same time." Mrs. Sanders said.  The boys get back to work on the questions.  Meanwhile at the little house on the hill Dylan was eating his lunch in the bed with Cooper and Cole just watching him. "What's taking you so long Dylan we have to go soon." Cooper said. "Can I please take my time?" Dylan asked still slowly eating his food. "No Dylan we have to go. So hurry up." Cooper said again.  Shawn come in he smiles at the boys opening they won't turn against him to. "I can trust you boys not to be like Matt and Troy and bail on me." Shawn said. "You have our word." Cole said. Shawn smiled at them. Then he went over to Dylan to check him out. "Now, how are we going to get you across the boarder with out getting caught?" Shawn asked. "You won't you'll get caught because what your doing to me is wrong." Dylan said. "Whatever were leaving right after your done eating I don't want to waste anymore time." Shawn said. "We got you boss." Cole said. Shawn smiled at  Cole and Cooper and went back downstairs. Dylan continued to eat very slowly. Cooper and Cole got mad and started to feed him quicker. "Stop your going to make me choke." Dylan said starting to choke on his food. "Ok, but hurry up I don't want to get into trouble." Cooper said.  They finally let him eat at his own pace. Back at the school everyone was heading out of English and heading to the lunch hall. All the students came up to to Scott and his friends. "So, we are here to Discuss a plan of action to get our friend Dylan back from Shawn Heart. He's a dangerous man and he's wanted for so many crimes it's not even funny. Can someone tell me their plan to save Dylan?" Scott asked. "I don't even know Dylan but we can try and help you boys out I know he means a lot to you boys." One student said. " Yeah, we're come help you get your friend back." Another one said." "Great then get into groups we are leaving right now to go save Dylan."  Scott said. One their way out of the school Scott bumped in to Liz she looked worried. "Hey Liz what's wrong are you ok?" Scott asked. "Have you seen Dylan I tried calling but he won't pick up." Liz said getting worried about her boyfriend. "Liz Dylan has been kidnapped." Scott said. "By who?" Liz asked. "Shawn Heart. Do you know who that is?" Scott asked. "Yes, I have heard of him . I just didn't think that he was real." Liz said looking surprised. "Come on we have to go save Dylan before its to late." Jack said. Liz nodded  her head and followed the boys out of the school. At the little house on the hill Shawn was getting Dylan ready for the auction. He dressed him up nicely. "This is what you'll be wearing when your with the family." Shawn said. Dylan looked down and saw he was dressed up in a very nice suit. "Oh, and you get to keep it afterwards." Shawn said. Dylan didn't know what to say."The cars ready." Cooper said. "Perfect time to go Dylan."  Shawn said pushing him to the door. As soon as they were out side they rushed Dylan into the car. He got bucked in in the back and they drove off. "We changed your last name to mine so the boarder doesn't notice you." Shawn said. Dylan nodded his head. "We changed it to my last name and. You are going to tell them you are my son."  Shawn said. "You got that Dylan." Cole said smacking him up side the head. "Yes." Dylan said rubbing his head. "Good." Cole said. Dylan was silent for the rest of the ride. At he school Scott and the other students were getting ready to go find Dylan. "Everyone knows what to do right?" Scott asked. The students nodded their heads. "Great now let's go save Dylan!" Scott yelled. They all cheered and made it to to the school parking lot. "Ok Derek you can go with me and Jack also Neil and Nick." Scott said "OK, come on we don't have much time we have to safe Dylan now." Derek said getting all worried. "Ok let's go." Scott's said. In Shawn's black car they made it to the boarder there were next in line. "Hello, where are you heading to tonight boys?" The Officer asked. "We're going to a wedding reception." Shawn said. As Shawn was at the boarder the radio announcer mentions that I group of kidnappers may smug a young boy named Dylan into the a different country. The officer looked in the back. Hello boy can you tell me your name?" The Officer asked. "It's Dylan Heart." Dylan said getting a little bit nervous "What's wrong kid are you scared?" The Officer asked. Dylan nodded his head. The radio was still on and the announcer was describing Dylan. "You look like the kid that went missing a few days ago." The Officer said. "Yeah, he gets that a lot don't you son." Shawn said back at Dylan. "Yes." Dylan said nervously. "I'm going to have to ask you to pull in we think you have the Dylan that went missing." The Officer said looking back at Dylan one more time. "I promise you we don't have Dylan Hark."  Shawn said. "How do you know the boys name then?" The Officer asked. "We listen to the news to." Shawn said. "Pull in please." The Officer said. "No!" Shawn yelled and tried to go through fast but he hit a bump and  crashed into the wall. Dylan was unconscious and head a big bump on the back of his head. Shawn, Cole and Cooper were ok. The officer ran to the car he pulled Dylan out of the car and his ID slipped out of his pocket. "Phill come here for a minute." The Officer said. "What is it?" Another Phill asked. "Look who it is." The Officer said. "Oh my god is that Dylan Hark?" Phill asked. "Yes, I want you to call the sheriff of Bacon county tell him we found his son." The Officer said. "You got it." Phill said. Phill leaves to go call Sheriff Hark that they found Dylan.

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