Joe Sugg Imagine

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This was requested by the amazing honey_mist_auburn I know it's not the best but I hope you enjoy it and I also hope it's cute enough 😂😘💕

Lucy has been suffering from cramps for hours, she tried hugging a hot water bottle but that didn't work she knew this feeling all too well, her Period. Every month around the same time she experienced the same thing.

"Baby are you alright" joe asked his girlfriend when he arrived home from the shops with some shopping.

"What do you think?!" Lucy snapped as her mood switched from an emotional wreck to being angry and annoyed

"I've brought us some food, we can cuddle up in bed or on the sofa and watch Netflix, whatever makes you feel better" Joe smiled pulling his girlfriend into a hug and rubbing her back

"I would love that" Lucy once again responds as her mood changed again in under five minutes.

"You go and sit down and pick something to watch while I put the shopping away and bring our snacks in a minute" Joe smiled kissing Lucy gently

"Could you bring me some painkillers too please babe" Lucy asked Joe with a pair of cute puppy dog eyes

"Anything you want" he smiled pulling away from the hug and headed to the kitchen with the shopping. Joe soon returned with a bottle of Coke, two cups, Maltesers, chocolate buttons and salt and vinegar Pringles with a bunch of other crisps for Lucy to choose from.

"I'm back babe" Joe smiled handing Lucy a pack of paracetamols letting her pop two while he poured her a cup of Coke.

"So what have you decided to watch then gorgeous" joe asked sitting next to Lucy handing her a cup as he does so

"I believe you already know the answer to that" Lucy grinned and joe immediately knew what she wanted to watch, the Netflix series which she has watched so many times already

"Oh I wonder what" Joe jokes letting Netflix load

"13 Reasons Why?" Both Joe and Lucy laugh together settling down on to the sofa letting it load as they press play

"Baby can you please tell my head and stomach to stop hurting" Lucy asked as her mood changes again, she was now emotional again.

"Come on Miss Head and Belly. Please stop hurting my girlfriend your making her upset and your hurting her which I don't like" Joe spoke to his girlfriends head and stomach probably sounding mad if anyone was to hear him

"Thank you babe" Lucy chuckles after Joe just spoke to her stomach and her head. The pair watched some Netflix before joe felt Lucy go limp by the side of him. He looked to the left and saw Lucy had fallen asleep. He decided to leave her so she could sleep he knew that Lucy hadn't slept well last night and her stomach was bothering her so their was no point waking her up when she needs her sleep.

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