Not Only Me

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As I walk to the Lincoln, pacing myself a few feet ahead, I overhear complaints about my appearance.

"This look won't fly with Ron," Luther bitterly points out.

I'm in vanilla colored shorts with a blue, button-down business shirt. Earlier, Goldman tucked the shirt in for me while grumbling about how I made such a simple encounter so complicated.

"Then, what do you suggest asshole?"

"Let's take him back to his place. Get him nicely dressed. I know we're doing things a little different but this will give us a chance to see if everything's clear."

My muscles begin to fidget. I almost bite down on my tongue, clearly overwhelmed by the possibility of fleeing. Unlike with Goldman's place, I know the layout of my apartment. I'm familiar with the window in my bathroom and also the knife I hide under my mattress because I'm afraid of being burglarized in the night.

"Fine. We'll get him some new clothes and then we're going to Ron's."

Goldman opens the car door, then shoves me to the backseat. I watch as he slides into the car, appearing completely unfazed. As the vehicle begins to move, Goldman reaches for something hidden in a storage compartment. He shakes the box container while giving a devious, half smile. Immediately, I turn to the window. My chest feels weighed down. I can barely breathe.

"Ron likes Magnums. Hope you're fine with it, Scott."

I continue to stare out the window, watching each street pole as we drive. I want to believe there's a way out of this. If I can get to my apartment, I know I can free myself. Maybe my neighbors will notice something peculiar. Or I could scream for help or bang on the walls, causing people to become alarmed. Whatever I do, I have to time my escape just right. Because if I don't, I understand Goldman and Luther won't hesitate to hurt me.

"You're fine with it...aren't you?"

There's no resisting him. Reluctantly, I answer, "I'm fine with it, ice daddy."

He laughs, the sound cynical and carefree. He leans over for a kiss but I move out of the way, causing him to kiss air. Goldman glares for a moment. Then, he clenches my chin, forcing us to share glances.

"I'll kiss you whenever I please," he orders lightly, "And anyway don't be so bitter." Goldman gently releases his hold, " You don't know this, but I have men who would die to be in your shoes."

I believe his arrogance is talking. Who in their right mind would consider this encounter a privilege? I huddle against the car door, anxious to put more distance between us. To my relief, Goldman retreats to his side but keeps a steady stare in my direction.

 For the entire car ride, Goldman watches, only occasionally looking away to give Luther directions. Eventually, the Lincoln parks in front of my building. I scan the parking lot, noticing right away the lack of vehicles. My neighbors, on both sides of me, aren't even home.

"I'll wait here," Luther announces, "but after ten minutes, if I don't hear from you, I'm coming in there."

"I'll be fine, idiot," he flings open the door, "just get Ron on the phone and tell him we'll be a few minutes late."

I'm dragged across the backseat by my arm until I fall to the curb. I don't have even a second to recover before I feel a hand grasp my forearm, yanking me up to stand. Once on my feet, I'm shoved toward the dimly lit apartment building. I can hear Goldman's steps, their sound loud and frightening.

" When we get in here, go straight to your bedroom. I want you to put on some clothes and then we're leaving."

Opening the front door reveals my apartment as a black space. I'm shoved in the back before I can turn on a light. Right at the door, I fall to my knees, causing my house keys to skid across the ground.

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