Chapter Fifteen - The Missing Champion

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No city seemed to be more colorful than that of Nimbasa. Silver cobblestone walkways paved through the center of the town, curving smoothly around the brightly-lit Battle Subway station and rolling out of sight. It was not the cobblestones that stole the show, however, nor the Subway's neon-laced red and green banners flapping gently in the breeze. Instead, Rosa's eyes were drawn to the mosaic of rainbow-colored glass embedded directly into the sidewalks. The crushed-up bits of crystal shined delicately against the setting sun, reflecting their light on every surface like a disco-ball.

Down the street was the Pokémon center, and beyond, Rosa could see an array of tightly-squeezed buildings with modern windows. Folks focused on their business swarmed around her and Sal as they made their way through the town, but few spared the odd pair a glance.

"Are you gonna be alright, kid?" Sal asked, fingering the zipper of his leather jacket as his eyes swept the city.

Despite his insistence on escorting her back to town, Rosa had thought he'd put most of his worries aside. It had been a long week of defense training, and although she was far from perfect, Sal and his gang had passed her abilities off as "almost adequate".

Except Elliot, who, after his return from the hospital, had promised to make her his bodyguard if she decided being a trainer wasn't for her.

"I'll be fine." She soothed, swinging her bag more tightly over her shoulder as she tossed him a smile. It had been a long time since she'd seen her father, but if he was around, Rosa imagined he would be a lot like Sal. "I've been fine on my own up to this point, haven't I?"

He nodded and tightened his enormous shoulders. "Of course you have. You're one of my gang, I'm not worried about you at all. But if something does happen, I've programmed mine and Elliot's information into your Xtransceiver. And I've slipped you a bit of extra pocket money, so spend it if you get hungry. I know you're stubborn about your finances, but if I hear you're not eating, I'll kick your butt. Oh, and it's getting colder, so make sure you buy yourself a decent coat. That jacket you like wearing isn't worth crap."

Rosa rolled her eyes, but jumped up onto her tip-toes to wrap her arms around Sal's neck. It was difficult because he was so tall, but then his burly arms tightened around her middle and he lifted her up so they were the same height. She gasped as her ribs crushed into uncomfortable positions.

"You come back and see us, 'ya hear? Anytime."

He dropped her back onto the concrete, and she wobbled a little trying to find her footing. "I will. Be careful traveling back to the desert."

The wild-looking man ruffled Rosa's hair, and as they stepped away from each other and Sal disappeared through Joint Avenue's gateway, Rosa felt her heart squeeze. As strange as her time in Desert Resort had been, she was going to miss that rugged gang leader.

"Oh my goodness, is that my Rosa?!"

Hurried footsteps sounded behind her, and Rosa barely had time to turn around before a slim body rammed into her chest. There was a warm breath on her collarbone as thin arms curled around her neck and tugged on her hair, and as she struggled to pull away, Bianca giggled. "It's been over a month since we saw each other in Castelia, can you believe it? I've missed you so much! How have you been? And who was that man you were with? He seemed so scary!"

Was it possible for her grip to be stronger than Sal's? "I'm great." Rosa rasped, shoving the girl away to make room for her lungs to expand. Bianca's mushroom hat tipped slightly as they broke apart, but the assistant didn't adjust it. She just grinned girlishly and leaned in to smudge some of the dust from Rosa's cheeks with her fingers.

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