Chapter Thirty-Two - Happy Reunions

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Despite the lapse in rainfall and living space heater pressed against her chest, Rosa was freezing. Maybe it was leftover trauma from the last time she rode a flying type, when Colress sent her into a snowstorm on the back of his Braviary. Or her red-tipped fingers were stealing the rest of her body heat, which would be less annoying than the prior option.

She didn't want to know she'd been permanently affected by Plasma's torture. It was easier to believe her body was just acting stupid.

Teeth chattering, she loosened her grip on Curtis's middle and pressed her forehead to the hollow between his shoulder blades. Flying was necessary to reach Opelucid City without losing weeks of travel time, and Curtis had been excited to transfer his Swanna back into his party, but she was really starting to dislike being in the air. If they arrived before she threw up, she certainly wouldn't complain.

At least their side trip to Black City had been worth it. Her peek into Ghetsis's mind had given them a game plan, fragile as it may be. For now, they were hoping to find where Ghetsis was hiding and stop him in his tracks. As far as they knew, Ghetsis had only managed to brainwash a few of his members, meaning something went wrong when he summoned Arceus the first time. If they could stop Ghetsis before he made the correction, Unova would be free of his influence.

If. So much was based on speculation. If her assumption about Ghetsis's plot was correct. If he had to fix something before calling Arceus again. If she was strong enough to beat him and whatever army he had waiting for her. Curtis too – she kept forgetting she had help now.

Stopping in Opelucid was the only blip in their otherwise determined plan, but it would be over as quickly as they could get there and speak to the gym leader. Challenging gyms no longer interested her, but maybe Hugh was still after the champion's position. Maybe he'd beaten Drayden and was on his way to his eighth gym badge.

It was a hopeful thought, sure, but one she clung to. How could she go on, if he'd met the same fate as Touko?

Something warm touched her clasped hands, jerking her from her thoughts. "Better wake up back there if you don't want to fall off." Curtis said, using his free arm to cinch her fingers tighter around his waist. "The entrance to Opelucid is just below us. Unless you'd prefer to meet us at the bottom-"

"Hilarious. Take us down, smart mouth. I'm freezing."

Her eagerness to reach the ground didn't heighten her enthusiasm for cities, but at least it was far from the nightmare they'd left behind. Sliding off Swanna's back, Rosa straightened her clothes and brushed a feather from her hair, pointedly ignoring the way Curtis adjusted his hat to hide his own blond strands.

It seemed he would always keep secrets from her, no matter how close they got.

In a word, Opelucid was stone. Glossy white marble, to be exact, polished so brilliantly it almost glowed blue. It layered every street and cube-shaped building, a maze that was neither beautiful nor unfeeling. There was something tranquil about the way the trees swayed in perfect unison, true to the lines they were planted in. Or the swing of easy footsteps from passerby linked arm in arm as they strolled down the sidewalks.

Curtis noticed this as well. Rosa saw that sly smile pull at his mouth from the corner of her eye, and before she could strengthen her resolve to be aloof, he was bowing slightly and offering his hand.

"Can I escort you through town, Miss Rosa?" He asked, too innocently.

"No way."

"Come on. It'll look more natural in this place."

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