Chapter 4

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*Jaclyns POV*
We eventually made it back into town, my dress was soaked, my hair was plastered to my face. My hand was resting on the console of Carters little car, it wasn't like any of our cars, but he seemed very proud of it. He took a hand off the steering wheel and rested his hand on mine. A small blush crept up my neck and dashed across my cheeks. I flipped my hand over and clasped his, he gave it a small squeeze, which made me smile. Carter offered me silence, which I gladly took. I felt like if I were to talk, I would break down. When I finally got sick of the silence, "Carter. How did you know where I was?"
He clenched up, "Uh- Flynn. He told me," he said softly and glanced over at me.
I nodded and with my left hand, traced circles on the arm rest. I opened my mouth to say something, but was cut off by Carter.

"He told me that you didn't want him,
That I might as well take the prize while I could," he whispered.
I looked over at him, but he continued talking, "Jaclyn. Your not a prize. Your a beautiful young women that doesn't need this... shit," he said, almost growing angry with each word. I stayed quiet, my eyes growing teary with each sentence. "Carter," I whispered.

He ignored me or didn't hear me, "Jaclyn, you have your whole life in front of you, it's all clear. You don't need me or Flynn for anything," he said and stopped suddenly. On the shoulder of the road. Stray tears fell down my cheeks, Carter had never seen me cry. He panicked and took his seatbelt off, turning to face me, "No. Please don't cry," he said with sad eyes.
I sniffled and wiped my cheeks roughly, letting his words replay in my head, "Carter. If you think my life is laid out in front of me. How I want it... your wrong," I said.

"Wh-," I cut him off,
"No. Listen to me. My mothers idea for my life has been laid out in front of me. I don't want to go to some fancy rich ass collage. I want to go to paramedics school and help people," I said.
"I don't want to become a lawyer or a
brain surgeon, I want to be a paramedic. I don't want to make a million dollars each year. I don't want to be a trust fund baby. Cause that's not who I am!"
Carters lips parted, "I-I didn't know," he whispered and looked down.
"Most people don't. I hide behind my smile and perfect posture... I hide behind what my mother wants me to do..."

Carter brought me home, I had stopped crying, well for the most part. "Thanks," I said and went to open the door.
"Wait. Jaclyn, you know I will be here for you right?"
I nodded and opened the door, he barely knew me. But I trusted him, for some odd reason.

I opened the door to my house, my father and mother were sitting at the large dinning room table, "Jaclyn. What the hell happened to you," my father asked, immediately worried.
I plastered on a smile, "Nothing father. I just made my own choices," I said and shot a glare at my mother. She scowled and looked at her wine glass, which I was sure had been refilled multiple times that night.

My mothers eyes cut right through me, I ignored her and walked upstairs. Carter walked in after me. I changed into a pair of jeans and a leather jacket. I jumped out the window and landed in a crouch. Carter was standing at the waiters window, watching me. I thought for a second before waving him over, he opened the window and jumped out, "Where the hell are you going?!"
"Away from here. You can help me, or you can not help me. Make up your mind," I said and crossed my arms. He didn't hesitate, "Let's go." I sprinted across the lawn and over the fence. MOnto the street, I stopped and took a deep breath, relaxing suddenly.

I think I have something for cliffhangers. There was so much going on in this chapter. Anyways. That's all
Have a lovely day :)

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