5 Blonde bimbo with flat boobs

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I heard my name being chanted again and again, cooing softly against my ear. It was really a sweet gesture that I would want to embrace except if my mind wasn't to preoccupied on sleeping. My limbs still hurt because of the impact on the attack so I strongly think that was causing my sleep to lenghten from my normal rest.

The voice grew louder and sounds more of a command, gone was the sweet tone. I was getting accustomed to it you know, but....
Dammit, I need my sleep!

Annoyed I groan and rolled over the covers and faced my face onto the foam and covered my head with a pillow. I heard a chuckle erupt in the background but I'm too tired to care.

The calling stopped. I sighed in relief, finally peace at last! I went back to my original position sighing with content at the same time. But my happiness was short lived for suddenly someone played the cupcake song.

I immediately sat up with a scowl on my face. No offence but that song annoys me like hell.

The music stopped and I was met by a handsome face which erased the scowl written in my face.

"Good morning sunshine." he moved closer to my side, placing himself beside me and looked at me with a smile that allowed both of his dimples to show. He was too cute so I smiled back. Then at the corner of my eye, I noticed something black dangling from his wrist and I realized, he was holding an mp3 player which immediately erased my happy mood to a scowl again realizing that he was the one who played that song.

"What do you want?" I asked with an annoyed tone, playfully pushing him a little.

"Well someone woke up in the wrong side of the morning." His smile awhile ago now became a lopsided grin and got even closer than he was before.

"Get out!" Then I smacked his face with a pillow. "Ugh, why can't I just sleep. You can cuddle if you want, just lemme sleep a'right?"

He looked at me with his grey eyes twinkling with amusement."Well princess as I am tempted to lay beside you the whole day I cannot."

"Why?"I complained, a bit too whiney for my own good if I say so myself.

"There's school."he deadpanned, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. It rolled of my mind. Last week on Monday, I ran out of the school. I was saved on Tuesday and recovered/woke up on Saturday. I was asleep for 3 days.

Suddenly my tears welled up my eyes. Hurt rippled through me, the memories scaring me. Reece might have noticed this because his face softened.

"I don't wan't to go. I don't want to see them. Not yet."I told him with my voice cracking a little. My eyes glistening with unshed tears waiting to be spilled.

"You have to you know."he touched my arm gently then slowly wrapped his arms all over me. My tears were now slowly dripping. I was scared, scared to face the people who betrayed me, scared of rejection, and most if all I'm scared on being hurt again.

Reece had been patient the whole time , constantly whispering soothing words in my ear, not once loosening his grip on me.

When he sensed I was beginning to calm down, he loosened his grip on me and slowly wiped my tears away using his left thumb very gently.

"Tell you what..." He said in a sweet voice, our foreheads were now against each other. I looked up to him, urging him to continue.

"...let's make him regret on letting you go. Alright?"I gave him a questioning look. How was he going to do that?

"Sweetheart, just stick with me and I promise he won't even touch a single strand of your hair and he'll regret trading you with that sorry excuse of a friend of yours. Now shower and I'll do the rest, okay?"he commanded.

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